Jean Michel has finished building two cold frames, all from recuperated materials. My contribution was the green stain! So far I’ve planted two types of lettuce, cosmos, aubrieta and nasturtiums. Our area had no new deaths today and the figure for the whole of France increased by 607 down from 833 yesterday. However it seems …
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
Covid Confinement Day 18
With the plant nurseries closed at the moment, I ordered plants and seeds on-line. Jean Michel is making a cold frame. One of the local nurseries Gamm Vert is opening a drive-in for vegetable plants tomorrow so we’ll be able to get some lettuces. The number of deaths in our area is now 10 up …
Covid Confinement Day 13
Cold and windy today but spring is well on its way. The figures are still climbing across France but no further deaths in Loir-et-Cher. Froid et vent aujourd’hui mais le printemps s’installe. Les chiffres continuent d’augmenter mais pas de nouveaux décès en Loir-et-Cher.
Covid Containment Day 10
We bought this camellia plant several years ago but this is the first time it’s flowered. Sometimes all you need is patience … Today’s count in Loir-et-Cher is 55 cases, still no deaths, 10 more than yesterday against 1 on 12th March (lockdown started on 17th March). Nous avons acheté ce camélia il y a …
Covid Confinement Day 4
One thing we can do is garden! We will have to order our seeds on-line though because they are considered non-essential. I’m amused to see that these two pots planted with exactly the same bulbs have given totally different results. Une chose qu’on peut toujours faire est de jardiner ! Mais nous serons obligés de …
Covid Confinement Day 3
Having been told that I’m not supposed to be riding a bike or going beyond a 2-km radius from home for physical exercise during the lock-down, I went for a walk in the woods behind our street and saw masses of these beautiful flowers. Ayant été informée que je ne dois pas faire du vélo …
Covid Confinement – Day 2
During confinement we are allowed individual physical activity so today we took a bike ride through country lanes where we were certain not to find anyone else – and we didn’t! Pendant le confinement nous pouvons pratiquer une activité individuelle alors nous sommes partis en vélo sur les petites routes de campagne où nous ne …