Mist in the Garden – Brume au jardin

Here I was, thinking that retirement would give me more time. The trouble is that I’m not really retired … When I looked out the window this morning, I was delighted to see how the grass has grown again now that the drought is over. However, I have been thinking a lot about next year’s …

CDP Theme Day – Orange

Orange is not my favourite colour but I found someone else’s piracantha hedge to illustrate this month’s theme for City Daily Photo bloggers across the globe. You can see their take by clicking here L’orange n’est pas ma couleur préférée mais j’ai trouvé une haie de pyracantha chez quelqu’un d’autre pour illustrer le thème mensuel …

Rain at Last – Enfin de la pluie

We have had a long hot summer with little rain but the drought has broken and the grass at the back of the house where the soil is clayey is turning green again. Nous avons eu un été très chaud avec peu de pluie. Maintenant la sécheresse semble se terminer et notre pelouse a l’arrière …