Poinsettia for Christmas – Pointsettia de Noël

In France the pointsettia, which originated in Mexico, is a favourite indoor Christmas plant. I grew up knowing it as a garden plant in the tropical winter of North Queensland in Australia where it flowers in July and August. It produces the red (or pink) leaf-like bracts around its tiny flowers. It rarely lasts long …

Last Hollyhocks – Dernières roses trémières

It was so hot this summer that our hollyhocks were not at all happy but these two, across the road from our house, were late bloomers though a little on the short side. Il faisait tellement chaud cet été que nos roses trémières étaient bien tristes. Ces deux-là, par contre, ont poussé en face de …

Holly, Hydrangeas & Plumbago – Houx, hortensias & plumbago

After having stunning weather for so long, it’s turned cold and rainy which is very discouraging for a photographer. Today however the sun came out so I rushed outside to take some garden photos before it all disappears. Après un temps magnifique tout l’automne, le froid et la pluie sont arrivés ce qui est bien …