The Incipient Rose Wall – Le mur aux roses qui commence

Four years ago, I posted the photo below, showing a wall of roses at château de Cheverny and said I was working on having one myself. Four years later, we’ve planted the rose bushes, bought at the plant fair at Cheverny yesterday. I can’t wait to see the roses in June although I realise it won’t be quite as …

Unexpected Snow – De la neige inattendue

We were absolutely not expecting to see snow on the ground when we woke up this morning! By midday it was all gone. I’m hoping no budding vegetation has suffered. Nous n’attendions pas du tout de voir de la neige ce matin en nous réveillant ! A midi, tout était parti mais j’espère que les …

Unexpected Snow – De la neige inattendue

When I posted yesterday, I really did not expect to see snow again so soon! This is the scene we woke to this morning. By this afternoon, most of the snow had disappeared and our daffodils are raising their heads again. Lorsque j’ai posté hier, je ne m’attendais pas à voir autant de neige de …

More Snow on the Daffodils – Encore de la neige sur les jonquilles

Magic as it might be, I don’t think we need any more snow especially as more and more daffodils are blooming! Aussi magique qu’elle puisse être, je pense que nous n’avons plus besoin de neige d’autant plus que nos jonquilles s’ouvrent en grande quantité !

Hydrangeas in More Snow – Les hortensias sous plus de neige

This is the same photo as yesterday, 26 hours later. It’s a black and white photo, by the way. Below is the back garden. This is an unusually heavy snow fall.C’est la même photo qu’hier, 26 heures plus tard. C’est une photo en noir et blanc d’ailleurs. Ci-dessous le jardin derrrière la maison. On n’a …