Our yearly passes to Château de Chaumont have been waiting for us since New Year! But at last the grounds are open. The rhododendrons did not disappoint. Nos passes pour le château de Chaumont nous attendaient depuis le 1er janvier mais le parc est enfin ouvert. Les rhododendrons ne nous ont pas déçus.
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
And then there was hail – Et puis la grêle est arrivée
Our unseasonable weather continues. Our gardening was brought to a halt by the rain and as soon as we got inside it started hailing. Fortunately it was only very small and didn’t last long. All my baby plants seem to have survived. Notre météo étrange continue. La pluie a mis fin à notre jardinage et …
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Arum Envy – Les arums de la voisine
My neighbour’s arum lilies are always earlier and more spectacular than mine but this year, with most vegetation more than two weeks behind, hers are even more impressive. Mine have only just come out of the ground. Les arum de ma voisine sont toujours plus précoce et plus beaux que les miens mais cette année …
Tall & Purple – Grand & Violet
This iris is growing in the little wood at the back of our property. It’s exceptionally tall, no doubt because it needs to compete with all the trees around it. Today is the last of the ice saints and it’s been raining most of the day. Rain is sadly predicted for the next 8 days …
Irises are out – Les iris sont sortis
Our irises have just come into bloom. Last year I took the same photo nearly three weeks earlier. Nos iris viennent tout juste de fleurir. L’année dernière j’ai pris la même photo trois semaines plus tôt.
Happy May Day – Bonne fête du 1er mai
I know this is a little late but I thought it was a good way to celebrate the end of our current lockdown. We are told the number of deaths will soon diminish and its true that there are fewer hospital admissions. We can now go anywhere we like in France though there is still …
CDP Theme Day: Earth – La terre
Despite the fact that I have both a flower garden and a vegetable garden it was surprisingly hard to find an interesting photo because the season is just beginning. In the background are onions and garlic, in the foreground, tomatoes and bell peppers. For other takes on the City Daily Photo theme day of Earth, …
Late Clematis – Clématite tardive
After the black frost many of our spring flowers are blooming late. I thought this clematis would never open. Last weekend in lockdown. New rules will apply on Monday starting with no restriction on travelling within France. Après la gelée noire beaucoup de nos fleurs de printemps sont en retard. J’ai pensé que cette clématite …
Wisteria & Roses – Glycine & Roses
This is a very unusual combination as roses rarely come into full bloom before May by which time the wisteria is past its full bloom. C’est une combinaison inhabituelle; les rosiers sont rarement si florifères avant le mois de mai alors que la glycine a dépassé son apogée.
First Outdoor Barbecue of the Year – Premier barbecue extérieur de l’année
I say first outdoor barbecue of the year because we use our fireplace to cook meat during the winter. This was the first evening this spring without a cold north wind. Hooray! Je dis premier barbecue extérieur parce nous faisons cuire la viande dans la cheminée pendant l’hiver. C’était la première soirée du printemps sans …
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