Our First Saffron Harvest – Notre première récolte de safran

I had nearly given up on these saffron crocus bulbs that our friend Susan from Days on the Claise gave us a couple of years ago when one of them suddenly bloomed. The photo’s a little hazy – like the weather at the moment. I don’t think I’ll worry about harvesting it though. You have …

Pansies after the Storm – Pensées après la tempête

These are my newly-planted pansies after last night’s rainstorm, which was accompanied by a lot of wind. The second photos was taken a few days before. Voici mes pensées nouvellement plantées après la grosse tempête d’hier soir. La deuxième photo était prise quelques jours auparavant.

The Potted Tree – L'arbre empoté

Now take a good look at that tree on the right. I specifically took the photo to include the church on the left so you can see how big the tree is. I have searched the Internet but can’t find anything about it’s origin. I’ve certainly never seen such a big pot! The church is …

Holly and Clematis – Houx et clématite

We have lots of red berries on our holly this year. The leaves at the bottom right are clematis. It wasn’t supposed to invade the holly bush but I am fast learning that plants have a mind of their own! Nous avons beaucoup de baies rouges sur notre houx cette année. Les feuilles en bas …

Autumn Greens – Légumes verts d'automne

Not much growing in our vegetable patch in autumn. My summer salads have stopped growing (back left) and are now mounting. We’ve planted two autumn lettuces – escarole and sugarloaf chicory – three types of spinach that we need to thin out and some lambs lettuce that doesn’t seem at all happy. We still have some …

Last Saharan Roses – Dernières roses Saharan

We’re amazed at how many flowers are still blooming despite the low temperatures and the fact that it is nearly mid-October. We’ll know when the first frost comes – all the nasturiums will keel over. Nous sommes étonnés du nombre de fleurs qui continuent à s’ouvrir malgré les températures qui baissent et le fait qu’on est …