When we saw these crocuses growing on the side of the road while we were cycling today, we thought they were saffron crocuses, but a closer look shows that the filaments that provide saffron, are not red. Two or three flowers You need 2 or 3 flowers to flavour a dish. Susan from Days on the Claise …
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
September Cyclamens – Cyclamens en septembre
This is the first September we’ve spent at Closerie Falaiseau – we were away last year – and we’re delighted with the weather and flowers. These little cyclamens have come out in our little wood. Thank you to our previous owners who did such as great job with the vegetation. C’est le premier mois de …
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Sign of Peace? – Signe de paix ?
My peace roses are doing better than ever this year. I’ve never had so many roses at once. Could it be a good sign? For a short history of the peace rose, click here. Mes roses de la paix sont plus belles que jamais cette année. Je n’ai jamais eu autant de fleurs en même temps. …
The Three Rs – Les trois R
A little puzzle today. What are the three Rs in this photo taken in Vernou sur Brenne? Une petite énigme aujourd’hui. Quels sont les Rs dans cette photo prise à Vernou sur Brenne ?
Hollyhocks – Roses trémières
Hollyhocks are among those wonderful species of flowers that grow whether it rains or not and if you don’t cut off the dead flowers too soon, they are self-seeding. The origin of the word hollyhock is mid-13c., holihoc, probably from holi “holy” + hokke “mallow,” from Old English hocc, a word of unknown origin. Another early …
The Artichoke Flower – La fleur d'artichaut
While we were on holidays in Germany, I saw an artichoke flower for the first time. Imagine my delight when I came back to find one in my own vegetable patch! A neighbour gave us a plant last year. Pendant que nous étions en Allemagne j’ai vu une fleur d’artichaut pour la première fois. Imaginez …
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Postcard from Germany – Allotments in Bavaria
arde You may remember the allotments on the Rhine two years ago. These allotments in Bavaria are very much in keeping with the neatness and care of the rest of the region. Vous vous rappelez peut-être les jardin ouvriers sur le Rhin il y a deux ans. Ces jardins en Bavière correspondent tout à fait …
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Postcard – Oleander Avenue – Une avenue de lauriers
I just love this avenue of oleanders with its date palms in Saint Laurent du Var just outside Nice. Italy tomorrow! J’adore cette avenue de lauriers avec ses palmiers à Saint Laurent du Var à côté de Nice. L’Italie demain!
Pink & White – Rose et blanc
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A Tower of Roses – Une tourelle de roses
The second view of Château de Montreuil-Bellay that has remained fixed in my memory is this rose-covered tower. It, too, did not disappoint. You can walk up through the tower and onto the ramparts. La deuxième vue du château de Montreuil-Bellay qui reste gravée dans ma mémoire est cette tourelle recouverte de roses. Je n’ai …