Our irises are out at the moment. The surprise is the last one because I’ve never seen it before! Nos iris sont tous sortis. La surprise est la troisième car c’est bien la première fois que je le vois !
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
The Busy Garden – Le jardin peuplé
We cycled past this busy little garden on our way from Onzain to Veuves on Sunday. The windmill actually looks more like a pigeon house from the south of France. The second photo shows the house that belongs to the garden. Note the weathervane on the top of the roof on the left. Nous sommes …
Clematis in the Holly – Clématite dans le houx
The clematis had climbed 2/3 of the way up the holly before I realised what was going on – it was supported to grow on the wall of the garage on the right! But in fact its chosen path is much more exciting. The holly is also in flower which means we’ll have lots of …
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The Cherry Tree – Le cerisier
This stunny flowering cherry tree is halfway down our street. I never get tired of it. Cette belle cerisier à fleurs est à mi-chemin de notre rue. Je ne m’en lasse pas …
Wisteria – Glycines
When we left home today to cycle to Château de Chaumont (it’s been too cold up until now for much cycling), I was so enamoured of our wisteria that I decided that I would take photos of any other wisteria we passed on the cycle path. The results are below. Which is your favourite? Lorsque …
CDP Theme Day – The Heady Smell of Lilac
Not everyone in the world has come close enough to a lilac bush to inhale its heady fragrance. Some people don’t like to have it in their home, it’s so strong. Wisteria, which blooms at much the same time is more delicate. I love both. For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo Theme …
Last of the Tulipes – Les dernières tulipes
I saw this little garden as I was coming back from the post box in our street in Les Grouëts today. We really are at the end of our tulips. J’ai vu ce petit jardin en rentrant de la boïte aux lettres dans notre rue aux Grouëts aujourd’hui. Nous sommes vraiment à la fin de …
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The Dippy Clematis – La clématite pendulaire
This used to be the prettiest clematis in our street in Les Grouëts – and I still love it – but you can see how luxuriant it was two years ago nearly two weeks earlier! Autrefois cette clématite était le plus beau spécimen dans notre rue aux Grouëts – et je l’apprécie toujours – mais …
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Maison Picassiette
On the other end of the spectrum from Chartres Cathedral, just near the cemetary, is a most amazing place called Maison Picassiette. It is the work of Raymond Isidore, born in Chartres on 8th September 1900. When he was 29, Isidore, a cemetary sweeper, built a little house for himself, his wife and her two sons. When it …
A Carpet of Daisies – Un tapis de marguerites
This fthick carpet of daisies is in front of the 15th to 16th century church of Saint Martin in Chailles whose façade you can see below. Cet épais tapis de marguerites se trouve devant l’église Saint Martin à Chailles construite au XVe et XVe siècles et dont vous pouvez voir la façade ci-dessous.