Daisies Everywhere – Des marguerites partout

The north wind was replaced by a more pleasant west wind so we were able to go cycling. I always love the way daisies pop up everywhere in the spring. Comme le vent du nord a été remplacé par un vent de l’ouest plus agréable aujourd’hui nous avons fait du vélo. Je trouve toujours amusant …

Morning Sun – Soleil du matin

This was the view from our bathroom window this morning. A promising day until it suddenly started hailing at about 3 pm. I had to madly cover my seed beds and lettuces and put my petunias in the garage. A definite lack of coordination between the weather forecast and the weather gods. Voici la vue …

Fields of Yellow – Champs dorés

I love the canola fields in spring but they are not easy to photograph because they are so flat. We went past large stretches today on our bikes. It’s a very common crop in France. My Dutch son-in-law amused me once – he thought they were tulips. J’adore les champs de colza au printemps mais …

Tulips for Charity – Des tulipes de bienfaisance

I don’t usually buy tulips because the garden is full of them but the Rotary Club was still them today at the market for medical research. Je n’ai pas l’habitude d’acheter des tulipes alors qu’il y en a tant dans le jardin mais le club Rotary en vendait aujourd’hui au marché pour soutenir la recherche …

The Rose Garden Passage – Passage de la roseraie

Blois has the most wonderful rose garden. This door is usually open from the end of May to the end of September. Let’s hope we will be free to visit it. Blois possède une roseraie merveilleuse. Cet accès est ouvert de la fin du mois de mai jusqu’à fin septembre. Espérons que nous pouvons le …

Tulips in the Wood – Tulipes dans le bois

The bottom of our garden is a small wood. Every year this tulip patch gets bigger. The secret to tulips is not to cut the leaves but just let them wither and die. You cut cut the tulips though. not that we do. Le fond de notre jardin est un petit bois. Tous les ans …

Frost-Bitten Wisteria – Coup de gel à la glycine

Sadly, our much-beloved wisteria has suffered from two nights of frost. It doesn’t usually freeze at this stage of growth. The grape vines are in much worse trouble with growers using fans and candles to try and keep the temperature up. Malheureusement, notre glycine bien-aimée a souffert de deux nuits de gel. Le gel n’est …

Wild Periwinkles – Pervenches sauvages

When I read English novels as a teenager growing up in tropical Queensland, decades before the Internet, I had no idea what most of the flowers the authors talked about even looked like. Coming across a carpet of periwinkles in the woods is always a source of amazement to me. The name comes from the …