Bramble or Blackberries? – Ronces ou murs ?

We are constantly getting rid of brambles in our garden yet here they are halfway along our street, looking very decorative with their little white flowers. How can you tell the difference between brambles and blackberry bushes? Nous cherchons constamment à nous débarrasser des ronces dans notre jardin mais les voilà dans notre rue, très décoratives …

Pink Roses and a Blue Door – Des roses roses et une porte bleue

Yesterday, I posted a photo of a door on the bike path from Saint Dyé-sur-Loire to Chambord. This photo was taken in the little street leading through the first doorway.The twisted trunk on the right is wisteria. Hier j’ai publié la photo d’une porte sur la piste cyclable entre Saint Dyé-sur-Loire et Chambord. La photo d’uajourd’hui est prise …

The Little Nursery – La petite pépinière

Each time we go past this little nursery, I’m intrigued so today I stopped and took a photo. My nursery is nothing like this one! It even has a front-door bell. Chaque fois que nous passons devant cette petite pépinière je suis intriguée donc aujourd’hui je me suis arrêtée pour prendre une photo. La mienne …

The Peace Rose – La rose de la paix

The peace rose has a lovely story. To quote Wikipedia: In early 1945 Meilland wrote to Field Marshal Alan Brooke (later Viscount Alanbrooke), the principal author of the master strategy that won the Second World War, to thank him for his key part in the liberation of France and to ask if Brooke would give his …

The Killer Moth – Le papillon tueur

Jean Michel notice yesterday that our boxwood hedge was looking miserable then today, he took a closer look at the three boxwood bushes in the front garden and discovered a cute little caterpillar. It turns out that the Box Tree Moth, a native to easter Asia, arrived in France with a bang in 2007 from Germany and …

Broom in Sologne – Genêt en Sologne

After a lot of rain and cold recently, today the weather was warm and sunny as you can see from the blue sky. We cycled in Sologne which is full of blooming broom at the moment. Après la pluie et le froid qu’on a eu récemment aujourd’hui il faisait beau et chaud comme vous pouvez voir …

Sun's Out! – Enfin du soleil !

After several days of endless rain, we were relieved to see the sun when we woke up this morning. After being soaked with rain for the last few days, the viburnum has perked up considerably.. Après des journées très pluvieuses, on était bien contente de trouver le soleil au réveil aujourd’hui. Les fleurs de viorne désormais …

Royal lily-of-the-valley – Muguet royal

It’s the tradition in France to give lily-of-the-valley on May 1st for good luck, especially to your loved ones. And if you find a sprig with 13 little bells, you’ll have extra luck. You can find it on practically every street corner, mainly sold by charities and similar associations. And because it’s Labour Day, it’s …

Lavendar Flowers and Cuckoos – Fleurs mauves et coucous

At the moment, the garden is filled with wisteria, pansies and other lavendar flowers and the cuckoos seem to be saying singing all day! Perfect for lunch in the garden. There is a saying in France that when you hear cuckoo, you have to have money in your pocket. It will bring you riches throughout the …