Star of Bethlehem – Dame de onze heures

I love the name of these lovely little flowers in French which means “late morning ladyz In English. Ornithogalum umbelletum is also called Bath Asparagus. Dove’s Dung. Star of Hungary and White Filde Onyon. Mostly native to Southern Europe, they belong to the family Asparagaceae and grow from a bulb. Akin to onion and garlic, the bulbs are edible. J’adore le nom de …

The Pyramidal Apple Tree – Le pommier pyramidal

Amazingly, the tree in the foreground is an apple tree! In the background is the beautiful magnolia below. Both are in the Orangery Garden at Château de Cheverny. A notre grande surprise, l’arbre en premier plan est un pommier ! A l’arrière plan se trouve le beau magnolia ci-dessous. Les deux se trouvent dans le jardin …

River of Tulips at Cheverny – Une rivière de tulipes à Cheverny

I have to say that, apart from the tulips in front of the Orangery in Cheverny, I was not impressed by their display which I thought lacked imagination like their Christmas decorations. At no point can you see the château itself from the tulip beds. I did, however, try to make the most of the …

Tulips at the Orangery in Cheverny – Tulipes à l'orangerie à Cheverny

We finally made it to Château de Cheverny when the tulips are out. Each year they plant 100,000 bulbs. The first photo is taken in front of the Orangery where the tulips in full sun all day are starting to go past their best-by date! The second photo, taken with my back to the Orangery, shows …

Bike Path in Spring – Piste cyclable au printemps

A little late this year, but cycling weather is here at last. This is the bike path between Ménar and Saint Dyé which runs along the Loire. Un peu tard cette année mais le temps nous permet enfin de faire du vélo. Cette piste cyclable le long de la Loire se trouve entre Ménar et Saint Dyé. 

Maison N° 11

I love original number plaques on houses. I just have to find someone to make mine! I have a lovely black & white drawing to use. J’adore les belles plaques numérotées sur des maisons. Il ne reste plus qu’à trouver quelqu’un pour m’en faire une. J’ai déjà un beau dessin en noir et blanc à utiliser. …

CDP Theme Day – My Camera-Shy Self-Portrait

This photo, taken unwittingly, seemed a perfect entry for this month’s City Daily Photo Theme Day entitled my camera-shy self-portrait.For other entries, click here. Cette photo, prise à mon insu, semble parfaite pour le thème mensuel de City Daily Photo intitulé mon auto-portrait de la part de quelqu’un qui déteste être pris en photo. Pour d’autres …