Don’t you think this is a lovely welcome to a French village? Candé sur Beuvron is on the bike path between Blois and Chaumont. N’est-ce pas un bel accueil lorsqu’on arrive à Candé sur Beuvron en faisant du vélo entre Blois et Chaumont?
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
McCormick decked with flowers – McCormick fleurie
The McCormick harvester and twine binder, maufactured in 1881, was the first binder which tied the bundles with twine. Jean Michel remembers seeing them in the sixties on his grandparents’ farm. This one, in Onzain, just across the Loire from Château de Chaumont is decorated with fllowers every summer. La faucheuse-lieuse McCormick, fabriquée dès 1881, était la …
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Dry Slug – Limace au sec
We were very surprised to see this lovely slug on very dry ground. Nous étions bien étonné de voir cette belle limace sur un terrain très sec.
A Barrow of Spuds – Une brouette de patates
Today, we brought in our potato crop. Potatoes are very easy to grow and require absolutely no maintenance, unlike our tomatoes which suffered from lack of watering and got blight. Aujourd”hui nous avons récolté nos pommes de terre. Il est très facile de faire pousser les pommes de terres qui ne demandent aucun entretien à …
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Shade of August – Ombre d'août
The photo is taken from a street in the upper part of Blois looking down towards the Loire. La photo est prise dans une rue sur les hauteurs de Blois avec la Loire en bas.
Evening Primrose – Onagre
We arrived in the garden of our little house one morning to discover this beautiful yellow flower that we didn’t remember from the year before and certainly hadn’t planted ourselves. It turns out to be Oenothera biennis or Evening Primrose, also called Sun Drop – and it is a biennial which means it only blooms …
Flower Boat – Une barque de fleurs
This boat may never have sailed the Loire, but it’s makes a great planter! Certes, cette barque n’a jamais vogué sur la Loire, mais c’est une jardinière bien sympathique !
Snails at dinner – Escargots à la fin du dîner
We were just finishing dinner al fresco when I spied these enormous snails (the shell was about three fingers wide) among the weeds after the rain. Nous étions à la fin de notre repas dans le jardin lorsque j’ai vu ces énormes escargots (la coquille mesurait environ trois doigts) parmi les mauvaises herbes après la pluie.
Big & Blue – Grand & bleu
How’s this for an outsized flowerpot? We found it on the bike path at Candé sur Beuvron. Que dites-vous de ce pot à fleurs géant ? Nous l’avons trouvé sur la piste cyclable à Candé sur Beuvron.
Hollyhocks after the storm – Roses trémières après l'orage
We had a very violent storm last night. Because of their great height, hollyhocks are often the first to suffer. This is what happened next door. The photo below shows our hollyhocks which I had fortunately taken the time to attach during the afternoon. Only a couple had fallen slightly to one side. Hier soir on …
Continue reading “Hollyhocks after the storm – Roses trémières après l'orage”