Wall of Roses in Cheverny – Mur de roses à Cheverny

This is the wall on the right as you enter the domain of Château de Cheverny. I”m working on having one of my own! Ce mur se trouve à droite lorsqu’on entre dans le domaine du château de Cheverny. J’oeuvre pour en avoir un chez moi.  

Orchaise Pond – La mare à Orchaise

The Orchaise Priory in the Cisse Valley, a 15 minute drive from Blois, held its annual rose festival on Sunday. I love this little pond at the foot of the garden that feels like it’s somewhere else. Comme tous les ans, la fête des roses a eu lieu dimanche dernier au prieuré d’Orchaise dans la …

The Peace Rose – Rose de la paix

Our Peace Roses are in full bloom – early this year. This beautiful yellow rose, also known as Madame Antoine Meilland, was develop by a French rose cultivator, Francis Meilland, in the late 1930s and named after his mother. It’s better known as “Peace” in English and is an interesting story. In early 1945 Meilland wrote …