Wisteria, purple and turquoise – Glycine, violette et turquoise

I have already published a photo of this house, but on an overcast day. I think the wisteria looks splendid with the lilac and turquoise windows, balconies and fence, against a bright blue sky. J’ai déjà publié une photo de cette maison, mais il ne faisait pas très beau . Je trouve que la glycine …

First Wisteria Flowers – Premières fleurs de glycine

We were so excited when we got back to Blois on Monday to see our first wisteria flowers of the year at Closerie Falaiseau. Qu’est-ce que nous étions contents à notre retour à Blois lundi de voir nos premières fleurs de glycine de l’année à Closerie Falaiseau.  

Red Leaves – Feuilles rouges

I’m not sure what this shrub is but it has red leaves in spring (and not flowers). Maybe red tip photinia (Photinia x fraseri). Je ne sais pas ce que c’est que cet arbuste mais il a des feuilles rouges au printemps (et non pas des fleurs). Peut-être que c’est un photinia x fraseri ? …

Clematis armandii

This stunning Clematis armandii is on the wall of the courtyard of Le Balcon Bleu, the B&B we stayed in recently in Turquant no the Loire near Montsoreau. Not only does it flower lavishly, it also has persistent leaves. For a close-up of the flowers which are very similar to jasmine, click on Amboise Daily …

Snake’s Head Fritillaries in the Sun – Fritillaires pintades sous le soleil

Protected in numerous areas in France, the snake’s head fritillary [Frillaria meleagris], also called guinea flower and chequer lily, draws its name from the Latin fritillus, a dice tower, and various interpretations of its delicate pattern – snake’s head, guinea and chequer. It is found abundantly in March in natural wetlands such as the banks …

Pink Camellias – Camélias roses

As we drove past these camellias, I thought I was seeing roses but even with such an early spring I knew it was impossible – so we went back for a closer look. Aren’t they wonderful? Lorsque nous sommes passés devant ces camélias en voiture, je pensais que c’étaient des roses mais même si le …

The Line-up – Tout aligné

Even the power lines are part of the line-up in the cemetary at Monthou-sur-Bièvre. They are a somewhat more ambitious version of Stuart’s spherical shrubs on Amboise Daily Photo. Les lignes haute tension et les topiaires sont tous bien alignés au cimetière de Monthou-sur-Bièvre. C’est une version un peu plus ambitieuse des arbustes sphériques de …

Orchid about to take flight – L'envol de l'orchidée

At the Halle aux Grains exhibition hall in Blois on Saturday, I had the pleasure of visiting the Orchid Exhibition and discovering this surprising creature. Ce samedi à la Halle aux Grains de Blois j’ai eu le plaisir de visiter l’exposition d’orchidées et de découvrir cette surprenante créature.