A Spray of Pink – Une gerbe de rose

This bush seems to get more splendid every spring. As we go into our third lockdown – this time for 4 weeks – we thank our lucky stars that we have a beautiful garden to keep us busy and entertained. This time our excursions are limited to a radius of 10 km which means we …

The Chinese Pagoda – La pagode chinoise

This private mansion was built in the 1870s by the manufacturer and mayor of Romorantin, Anatole Aristide Normant (1835-1889). It was surrounded by an enormous garden. The pagoda built in 1879 was used to store water to maintain the grounds. After his death, It was bought by his brother Louis-Antoine, one of the owners of …

Royal Magnolia – Magnolia royale

This is a view of Blois Royal Castle that I love at any time but the magnolia makes it even more perfect. As I was driving and there wasn’t much traffic I was able to stop, wind down the window and take a photo! That’s why I love my iPhone. J’aime toujours cette vue du …

Yellow & Pink – Jaune & Rose

I love the way new spring flowers replace the ones before as time goes by. The daffodils in the background are starting to decline as the Japonica and forsythia come into full bloom. J’aime que de nouvelles fleurs de printemps remplacent celles d’avant au fur et à mesure que les jours passent. Les jonquilles à …

Spring Ducks – Canards au printemps

When we were in lockdown last year (nearly the one-year anniversary), we went for our one-hour walk every day. Now that the only real restriction on movement is a 6 pm curfew, we are not nearly as assiduous about exercise. Yesterday we spent most of the afternoon running around building material suppliers choosing paving stones …

Spring Blossoms – Fleurs de printemps

We went to buy some wine at Domaine des Bessons in Mesland today and went past this stunning tree on the way. Considering it’s early March, we assume it’s a prunus of some sort. Nous sommes allés acheter du vin au Domaine des Bessons à Mesland aujourd’hui et sommes passés devant cet arbre magnifique. Comme …

This Year’s Daffodils – Les jonquilles de cette année

Every year around this time since 2014, with the exception of last year for some reason, I post a photo of the daffodils in our little wood. They are still mixed up with the snowdrops and will be with us for another three weeks or so. We can see them from the picture window in …

High Waters – Hautes Eaux

It’s miraculously stopped raining. Today was warm (13 degrees) and sunny. I’ve now pruned the roses (all 14, but not the ramblers) and the hydrangeas. I feel like I’m coming alive despite the steady 20,000 to 25,000 new cases and 300 to 400 deaths a day due to Covid. Par miracle la pluie s’est arrêtée. …