Sorrel from the garden – Oseille du jardin

This sorrel from the garden had a few holes because of the snails but the omelette was delicious! You just have to cook the sorrel in a frying pan until it’s soft then add it to the omelette. L’oseille du jardin a quelques trous percés par les escargots mais l’omelette était délicieuse ! Il suffit …

Gathering Walnuts – Ramassage des noix

Today I gathered nuts for the first time, in a public park at the bottom of Château de Chaumont. Most of the nuts were separated from their husk or pericarp. When I separated the others, my fingers were covered in a slightly sticky black substance that is used as a dye. Now I’m going to …

Autumn Nasturtiums – Capucine d'automne

Nasturtiums add a lovely splash of colour in autumn. Capucine is a girl’s name in French and there is a popular song  called “Dansons la capucine” that children use for a circle game. You can listen to it here: (lyrics below). The reason why the dance is called “Capucine” is obscure. Les capucines rajoutent une belle touche …

Mandavilla & Pelargonium – Dipladenia & Pélargonium

I was looking for a flower for our rental accommodation that wouldn’t mind not been watered very often. My neighbour suggested the dipladenia (mandevilla splendens). This flowering vine with its pink, white, red and yellow flowers, is subtropical and mainly cultivated in pots in Europe for climatic reasons. Pelargonium is the real name of what we usually …

Sahara Rose – Rose Sahara

We bought this rose bush at Prieuré d’Orchaise last year under the name of Saharan Rose but apparently it’s called Sahara Rose. It is a climbing rose that changes colour at it matures – from a tender pink to a luminous abricot. Nous avons acheté ce rosier à la Prieuré d’Orchaise l’année dernière sous le nom de rose …