On Friday France goes into a second lockdown for one month. We’ll know the details tomorrow. Let’s just hope it’s effective. With the number of deaths already up to 35 785, the future is bleak if we don’t act now. Ce vendredi la France commencera un deuxième confinement pendant un mois. Nous saurons les détails …
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
Autumn Pastels – Pastels d’automne
It was a good thing we went to Chaumont yesterday because it rained all day today. The Covid19 situation is becoming quite alarming with a total of 35,541 deaths in France, up 523 since yesterday. Our area is still fairly safe with only 2 people in intensive care but 27 in hospital. Tomorrow evening we …
The Black Pool – Le bassin noir
In just a few days, the garden festival at Château de Chaumont will be closed for the winter. We managed a visit late afternoon just after a shower of rain. Dans quelques jours, le festival des jardins à Chaumont-sur-Loire va fermer pour l’hiver. Nous sommes arrivés en fin d’après-midi juste après la pluie.
Roll-up Flower Beds – Parterres enroulés
At Château de Chaumont the gardeners were busy removing the ready-planted summer garden beds. I had no idea that such a system existed. It was fascinating. Au château de Chaumont les jardiniers étaient en train d’enlever les parterres d’été qu’ils achètent déjà plantés. Je n’avais aucune idée que ce système existait. C’était fascinant.
Catkins – Chatons
I had never seen pine tree catkins like these at Chateau de Chaumont before although I’m sure they must be everywhere. Je n’avais jamais vu des chatons de pin comme ceux-ci au château de Chaumont. Pourtant il doit en avoir partout.
Autumn Offerings – Offrandes d’automne
We went to Chateau de Chaumont today and almost turned back when we saw the crowded parking lot. I’m glad we didn’t. We don’t know where all the people were – maybe inside the castle – but we were able to walk around and enjoy the beautiful sunny weather. En arrivant au parking bien rempli …
Red & Black Berries – Baies rouges et noires
The black berries on this disused entrance to the grounds of a Chambord castle are sloe, the fruit of the blackthorn, which have a sharp, sour taste. The red berries are rose hips. Les baies noires à cette entrée condamnée au parc du château de Chambord sont des prunelles, le fruit du prunelier, très astringent …
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Our Cyclamens – Nos cyclamens
Each year the number of cyclamens in the little wood behind our house increases. I love the pink ones. Chaque année le nombre de cyclamens dans le petit bois derrière notre maison augmente. J’adore les roses.
Variegated Holly – Houx panaché
Our holly has lots of berries too but nothing like this splendid variegated holly bush at Château de Chaumont. Notre houx a également beaucoup de baies mais il n’y a aucune comparaison avec ce houx panaché splendide au château de Chaumont.
Dharitri : The Garden of Mother Earth – Le jardin de la terre mère
Another Chaumont Garden. In the Hindu religion, Dharitri is one of the names of the goddess Parvati, considered to be the First Supreme Energy. It means Mother Earth. She has the power to give birth to any form of life and nourish it. Encore un jardin à Chaumont. Dans la religion hindoue, Dharitri est l’un …
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