This very tall tree stands in front of the 17th century church of Saint Vincent de Paul with its lovely classical façade. Ce très grand arbre se dresse devant l’église de Saint Vincent de Paul avec sa belle façade du 17ème siècle.
Category Archives: Historical buildings
Chouzy sur Cisse Town Hall – Mairie de Chouzy sur Cisse
I love the steps on the town hall in the nearby village of Chouzy sur Cisse, which has a population of fewer than 2,000 people. A little girl was sitting very decoratively on the steps but she ran off when she say me take the photo! J’aime bien l’escalier de la mairie du village voisin …
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Mullion No More – Plus de meneau
You may remember a post about mullion windows recently in which I explained that, for tax reasons, people removed the mullions and transoms from the windows to pay less tax. This window on Hôtel de Villebresme in Blois would seem to be an excellent example. Vous vous rappelez peut-être d’un post concernant les fenêtres à meneaux dans …
Postcard from Germany: Wörlitz Castle – Château de Wörlitz
Wörlitz Castle is Germany’s first neoclassical style building built from 1769 to 1763 by the architect Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorf for Prince Frantz von Anhalt-Dessau. Le château de Wörlitz est le premier édifice allemand de style néoclassique construit de 1769 à 1773 par l’architecte Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorf pour le compte du Prince Frantz von Anhalt-Dessau.
Postcard from Germany: Inside Meissen Castle – A l'intérieur du château de Meissen
Yesterday’s comments about Meissen Castle looking so light have prompted me to post a photo of the inside. It was a fine day, but even so, this room in particular was full of light. Unfortunately, the large number of windows also made it difficult to heat, despite the ceramic stoves such as the one below. …
Postcard from Germany: Meissan Castle – Château de Meissen
When I saw Albrechtsburg Castle in Meissen, I was immediately reminded of the Renaissance staircase in Blois Castle, though this one is much more rudimentary. Note the double sundial on the left as well. Dès que j’ai vu le château d’Albrechtsburg à Meissen j’ai pensé à l’escalier Renaissance au château de Blois, bien que celui-ci …
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Dovecote in Villesavin – Colombier à Villesavin
This rare dovecote with its spiral ladder inside is just next to the 16th century Château de Villesavin. Ce rare colombier à pied à échelle tournante se trouve à côté du château de Villesavin qui date du 16ème siècle.
Blois Medallions – Les P'tits Clous de Blois
This bronze medallion is one of many in the streets of Blois to guide visitors on four walking tours to discover and understand over a thousand years of French life and history. A brochure is available from the tourist office or on ou You can also download the free Blois/Chambord phone app. Quatre …
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Venetian Sundial – Cadran solaire vénétien
I love sundials and have already published two others in Blois Daily Photo – one in Les Grouets and the other on the Bishop’s Palace. This one is on the Arsenal in Venice, which explains the rope and chain. The Latin motto “Ruit hora: labora” roughly means “Times flies: work!” J’aime bien les cadrans solaires …
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Doubtful Sculpture – Sculpture dubitative
Looking rather doubtful on the façade of Hôtel d’Alluye in Blois. Belle expression dubitative sculptée sur la façade de l’hôtel d’Alluye à Blois.