Royal Weather Vanes on triangles – Girouettes royales sur triangles

Royal roof surmonted by magnificent ornamental weather vanes on top of the Louis XII staircase in Blois Castle which date from the early 16th century. At this height, they mustn’t get much maintenance. This post is our contribution to City Daily Photo Theme Day. To see other interpretations of the theme “triangle” from across the …

Royal Coaching Inn – Relais de poste royal

The hamlet of Nozieux next to Saint Claude de Diray is on the old highway from Blois to Orleans which explains the presence of this Royal Coaching Inn or Post House. Le hameau de Nozieux à côté de Saint Claude de Diray se situait sur l’ancienne route de Blois à Orléans, pour preuve la présence …

Teeth on Timber – Dentition sur colombage

A few remarkable half-timbered houses have fortunately survived fire and war. This very toothy and voracious sculpture is to be found on Hôtel de Villebresme next to the Acrobats’ House in Blois. Quelques maisons à colombage remarquables ont heureusement survécu aux incendies et aux guerres. Cette sculpture toute en dentition et voracité se trouve sur …

Post Mill – Moulin cavier

Numerous windmills of this type existed on the top of the hills overlooking the Loire between Candes Saint Martin and Saumur. The restored hucherolle seen here is in Turquant. The millstones were in cellars hollowed out in the tufa stone below. De nombreux moulins de ce type existaient sur les hauteurs des coteaux entre Candes …

Renaissance medallion – Médaillon renaissance

This is one of two medallions about 50 centimetres high, found in the attic at Hôtel d’Alluye built in Blois by Florimond Robertet in about 1505. They are early samples of this type of medallion made of patinated limestone. Florimond Robertet (1458-1527),  secretary of state for Charles VIII, Louis XII and minister of finance for François …

Saint Nicolas des Motets

  Saint Nicolas des Motets was built in 1536. The painted decor embellishing a very simple architectural scheme was probably added a few years later. The iconography of the wall paintings, restored in 1996, is witness to the 16th century preoccupation with Redemption and the fear of death. Saint Nicolas is halfway between Blois and …

Saint Calais Chapel – Chapelle Saint-Calais

Dedicated to the hermit Saint Calais, the Chapel, consecrated in 1508, was the private place of worship for Louis XII and Anne of Brittany. The nave was demolished in 1635 during the construction of the Gaston d’Orléans wing of Blois Castle. The painted vaults and tiles flooring date from 1869. The present-day stained glass windows …

Pavillon Anne de Bretagne

With the Orangery, the Anne de Bretagne pavilion is the last trace of the royal gardens of Blois Castle. Built in the “lower gardens” it is a unique example of early 16th century construction. Despite the presence of a private chapel, it was probably a royal pavilion with various purposes relating to the gardens – …

Twin Towers – Les deux tours

We were surprised to find these twin towers near the old corn market. They look as though they are part of the old city walls but for the moment I don’t have any further information. Ces deux tours  à côté de la Halle aux Grains nous ont surpris. On imagine qu’elles font partie de l’ancienne enceinte …

The Chatroom – Le caquetoire

Like most of the churches in Sologne, Saint Etienne in Cheverny built in the 12th century, has a “caquetoire” which is a covered area around the church door where people could stay and chat. Maybe there is a term in English but I can’t find it! Comme la plupart des églises de la Sologne, Saint …