Sculptures on the Acrobats' House – Sculptures sur la Maison des acrobates

Here is a close-up of the sculptures on the Acrobats’ House. On the ground floor, not shown here, the subjects are religious, especially angels. On the first floor, a jongler or minstrel can be seen in the middle, with a figure wearing a hat with an upturned brim on the right. The one on the …

The Acrobats' House – La maison des acrobats

The Acrobats’ House, one of the oldest in Blois, has two jettied upper storeys with brackets and corbelling carved with scenes and characters from mediaeval comic tales or fables. Only half-timbered houses with very rich decoration can be dated. Here, the clothing of the figures on the façade is prior to 1480. This has been …

Bar Saint Nicolas

Le bar Saint Nicolas se trouve juste en face de l’église du même nom, construite entre 1138 et le début du XIIIe siècle ; elle présente des caractéristiques du tout début de l’art gothique. Les chevaux de trait attelés aux carrioles de touristes sillonnent les rues de Blois. Saint Nicolas Bar is just opposite the early gothic church …

Les Forges du Château

Wrought-iron sign on Les Forges du Château tea room, which serves light meals based on regional and gourmet products sold in its boutique. Located just opposite Royal Castle of Blois. There is also a 15th century wine cellar. Enseigne en fer forgé du salon de thé Les Forges du Château, situé en face du château royal de Blois et proposant également …

Church of Saint Vincent of Paul – Eglise Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

Saint Vincent de Paul was built between 1625 and 1660 on the site of an old chapel and is part of the Catholic Counter-Reform movement in Europe. Construction progressed slowly until Gaston d’Orléans stepped in. His initials, like those of his daughter Anne-Marie, are inscribed on the façade. After falling into disuse during the French …

Frieze on Hotel Alluye – Frise sur l'hôtel Alluye

Frieze on Hotel Alluye, n° 8 rue Saint Honoré, built by Florimond Robertet between 1498 and 1508, treasurer for three kings – Charles VIII, whose emblem was the blazing sword, Louis XII with his porcupine and François Ier symbolised by the salamander. La frise sur la façade de l’hôtel Alluye, au n° 8 rue Saint …