Today was our first day in Copenhagen, somewhat marred by the overcast sky and three short downpours. I decided to wait for a sunny day to visit the Little Mermaid. The last photo is the tree house at our home exchange in Bagsværd, 13 k north of the city. We cycled there of course and …
Category Archives: Historical buildings
Day #8 Postcard from Germany – Wismar & Insel Poel
We started by driving 40 minutes north to Wismar, a world heritage site on the Baltic Coast then cycled to the neighbouring island of Poel joined to the mainland by a levee. I had the best meal since we left France in a little restaurant next to a marina – a seafood platter with scallops, …
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Day #7 Postcard from Germany – Lübeck
Today we cycled 55 k return from where we are staying in Ziethen near Ratzeburg to Lübeck in the very north of Germany. Brick is the main construction material and some of the buildings are impressively high. The difference between former east and west Germany is obvious – the bike paths are not always paved …
The Old Salt Granary – Le grenier à sel
This beautiful building in Blois with its masses of roses certainly cheers up a grey day. Ce beau bâtiment à Blois avec sa multitude de roses donne de la couleur à une journée bien grise.
An Enticing Entrance – Une entrée accueillante
Postcard from Sicily – Etna
We waited all day to see it and we finally did! The snow capped peak of Etna is in the middle of that opening at the Ancient Greek/Roman amphitheatre of Taormina. Nous avons attendu toute la journée pour la voir et on a enfin réussi! Le somment enneigé d’Etna se trouve au milieu de l’ouverture …
An Impossibly Blue Gate – Un portail trop bleu
Though cheerful this gate is surprisingly on a listed building. Bien que gai ce portail se trouve de façon surprenante sur un monument historique.
Spot the Monstres – Trouvez les monstres
Some sun at last! Spot the monsters on this half-timbered house built in the Middle Ages in Vienne, the neighborhood of Blois across the bridge from the Chateau. Enfin du soleil! Trouvez les monstres sur cette maison à colombages moyenâgeuse à Vienne, le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côté du pont en …
Spot the Monsters – Trouvez les monstres
Some sun at last! Spot the monsters on this half-timbered house built in the Middle Ages in Vienne, the neighborhood of Blois across the bridge from the Chateau. Enfin du soleil! Trouvez les monstres sur cette maison à colombages moyenâgeuse à Vienne, le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côté du pont en …
The Clock Tower in Amboise – La Tour de l’horloge
Another iconic monument in Amboise is the 15th century clock tower. Autre monument bien connu à Amboise est la Tour de l’Horloge construite au XVe siècle.