Category Archives: Houses
Orange & Blue – Orange et bleu
This surprising colour scheme is in a village called Bonné on the cycle route between Saint- Benoît-sur-Loire and Sully-sur-Loire. Cette combinaison de couleurs surprenante est dans le village de Bonné sur l’itinéraire à vélo entre Saint- Benoît-sur-Loire et Sully-sur-Loire.
The Blue Shutters – Les volets bleus
This is a very unusual house for Sologne. C’est une maison très inhabituelle pour la Sologne.
The Forgotten Wreath – La couronne oubliée
Hidden Promises – Un caché potentiel
A new roof and a paint job could do wonders. Un nouveau toit et un bon coup de peinture pourraient faire des miracles.
Postcard #26 – Miltenberg, Germany
After a six-hour drive from Görlitz yesterday, we were delighted to be cycling along the Main River in the evening but we were not expecting the sheer beauty of the little town of Miltenberg, which is given two lines in one of our guidebooks and not even mentioned in the others! My favourite house is below. This …
Postcard #21 – Rural houses in Poland
When cycling around the Polish countryside, we’ve seen a lot of old timber houses but the roofs are always fibre cement, flat iron and occasionally currugated iron which obviously can’t be the original material. Today we visited a very interesting outdoor museum near Opole on our way from Krakow to Wroclaw and we were able …
The Corner House – La maison au coin
I took this photo when we were walking in Chambon-sur-Cisse last week. It has no less than three entrances on the same side! J’ai pris cette photo la semaine dernière lorsqu’on s’est promené à Chambon-sur-Cisse. Il y a pas moins de trois entrées sur le même côté !
Over the Wall – Par-dessus le mur
Just look at that sun! The advantage with mobile phone cameras is that you can see over high walls! We had never seen the gable on the left. Regardez-moi ce soleil ! L’avantage d’un appareil-photo téléphone est de pouvoir voir par-dessus le mur. On n’avait jamais vu le pignon à gauche.
The New Façade – La nouvelle façade
I posted the photo below about a year ago. Spot the difference! Jean Michel has just spent nearly a month redoing the façade of the barn on the right after our neighbour removed the awful lean-to on his side. Using traditional materials and not cement and concrete meant that it was time-consuming but I think …