CDP Theme Day – Transitions

The subject of this month’s City Daily Photo theme day is transltions. I thought I would like to ask my readers what transitions they think I am illustrating here. For other entries click here. Le sujet de la journée thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci est “transitions”. J’invite mes lecteurs à proposer les transitions …

The Busy Garden – Le jardin peuplé

We cycled past this busy little garden on our way from Onzain to Veuves on Sunday. The windmill actually looks more like a pigeon house from the south of France. The second photo shows the house that belongs to the garden. Note the weathervane on the top of the roof on the left. Nous sommes …

A Mix of Styles – Mélange de styles

We saw this strange architectural mix today  in Chailles, the village across the Loire from where we live. Wonder what the half-timbered addition contains? Nous avons vu cet étrange mélange architectural aujourd’hui à Chailles, le village de l’autre côté de la Loire. Je me demande ce que le rajout à colombages contient ?