Wisteria, purple and turquoise – Glycine, violette et turquoise

I have already published a photo of this house, but on an overcast day. I think the wisteria looks splendid with the lilac and turquoise windows, balconies and fence, against a bright blue sky. J’ai déjà publié une photo de cette maison, mais il ne faisait pas très beau . Je trouve que la glycine …

Royal Coaching Inn – Relais de poste royal

The hamlet of Nozieux next to Saint Claude de Diray is on the old highway from Blois to Orleans which explains the presence of this Royal Coaching Inn or Post House. Le hameau de Nozieux à côté de Saint Claude de Diray se situait sur l’ancienne route de Blois à Orléans, pour preuve la présence …

Teeth on Timber – Dentition sur colombage

A few remarkable half-timbered houses have fortunately survived fire and war. This very toothy and voracious sculpture is to be found on Hôtel de Villebresme next to the Acrobats’ House in Blois. Quelques maisons à colombage remarquables ont heureusement survécu aux incendies et aux guerres. Cette sculpture toute en dentition et voracité se trouve sur …

The Lacy Roof – Le toit en dentelle

I think the lace bargeboard made of repoussé metal on this roof is quite extraordinary. The little half-timbered house is wedged in between two other very ordinary-looking houses and you have to really look closely to appreciate the beauty of this little roof. Thank you, Jean Michel. Je trouve extraordinaire la dentelle sur ce lambrequin …