This is the first time EVER that I have seen a thatched roof on a public wash house! Note the irises in the roof. J’ai la toute première fois que je vois un toit de chaume sur un lavoir ! Et plus avec des iris sur le faîtage.
Category Archives: Lavoirs
Fontaine Saint Hilaire
Here we have a wash-house, a humpback bridge and a pilgrim’s fountain all in the one spot. But nary a picnic table in sight. Saint Hilaire cured the blind and looked after eye problems in general. Ici nous avons un lavoir, un pont à dos d’âne et une fontaine de pèlerin au même endroit. Mais …
Private Property – Propriété privée
Private property – Do not enter. Not without a boat anyway! A lot of the rivers are overflowing their banks with all this rain. This is in Huisson-sur-Cosson, a village between Blois and Chambord where we went walking today. The next photo shows the wash-house to the right of the first photo and the following …
Decaying Wash House – Lavoir en mauvais état
It’s so sad to see buildings like this which have been renovated then left to decay. Why not add a sheltered picnic table as well? C’est tellement triste de voir un bâtiment qui a été restauré laissé pour compte. Et si on rajoutait une table de pique-nique à l’abri?
Afternoon Tea Break – Quatre heures
We often have afternoon tea in this little wash house outside the village of Chambon about a half an hour by bike from our house. Last time it was taken, to our immense surprise but today we could watch the bright blue dragonflies flitting about while we drank our thermos of tea. Ah, the little …
Postcard Summer 2020#21 – Mollans
This surprising wash house, built in 1849, with its Doric columns and fountain, is in the little village of Mollans in the Vosges. We discovered it when we stopped for a picnic lunch. The other two wash houses are in the same village. Tomorrow we will be back home in Blois. Ce lavoir surprenant, construit …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1#8
Today we went cycling without having to worry about how far or how long we were away from home. We rode through the centre of town which, being Monday, was quite deserted, then along the Loire to Cours-sur-Loire, a distance of 18 km. It was wonderful! One new death in our area and 131 new …
Sun on the Wash House – Soleil sur le lavoir
This was taken on Wednesday – the last time there was sun. I’m so tired of the rainy weather! J’ai pris cette photo mercredi – la dernière fois qu’il a fait soleil. J’en ai assez de ce temps pluvieux!
Cour-sur-Loire wash-house – Le lavoir à Cour-sur-Loire
We hadn’t ridden as far as the wash house in Cour-sur-Loire this year and were surprised to discover that the area around it has been repaved. The previous photo is below. The hanging flower boxes have disappeared unfortunately. N’ayant pas été en vélo jusqu’au lavoir de Cour-sur-Loire cette année nous étions surpris de voir que …
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Picnic at the Washhouse – Pique-nique au lavoir
We have found a great picnic table at an old washhouse in Chambon sur Cisse that we often cycle to in the evenings. We’re eating a selection of our homegrown heirloom tomatoes. Nous avons trouvé une table de pique-nique devant un lavoir à Chambon sur Cisse où nous allons souvent en vélo le soir. Nous …
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