These three wash houses, all of different types, are within a few kilometers of each other. Ces trois lavoirs, de type très différent, se trouvent tous dans un rayons de quelques kilomètres.
Category Archives: Lavoirs
Life & Death of a Washhouse – Vie et mort d'un lavoir
This life of this wash house in nearby Coulanges was short lived -1878 to 1973. However, in 1999, it was restored to be used as a picnic spot for hikers and cyclists. La vie de ce lavoir à Coulanges, tout près de chez nous, n’a pas durée longtemps : 1878 à 1973. Mai en 1999, …
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Picnic on the Cisse – Pique-nique sur la Cisse
A perfect place to picnic – a table next to an old washhouse at Chambon-sur-Cisse. Un endroit parfait pour pique-niquer : une table près d’un vieux lavoir à Chambon-sur-Cisse.
The Double Wash-House – Le lavoir double
It’s the first time I’ve seen a double wash-house. We came across it on one of our Châteaux à vélo bike routes. In 1831, Brouat fountain in Montlivault, which had been used as a public wash-house for several centuries, was in a state of ruin. Renovation was scheduled to start in 1831 but the road leading down to …
The Mill on the Stream – Le moulin à eau
After we first visited the little town of Suevres with its many water mills and wash houses last September, we promised ourselves we’d go back in the summer. We cycled there from Blois last weekend. This one is known as Moulin Pont (Bridge Mill) for obvious reasons. Après avoir visité la petite ville de Suevres avec …
The Hillside Wash House – Le lavoir pentu
We must have gone past this washing-place on the bike route from Blois to Cour-sur-Loire at least twenty times without knowing of its existence. A photo in the Loire Valley World Heritage brochure sent us looking for it. Nous avons dû passer ce lavoir sur l’itinéraire vélo entre Blois et Cour-sur-Loire au moins vingt fois …
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City Daily Photo Theme Day – Shelter
Lavoirs or wash houses are to be found throughout France and were still in use in the mid-20th century. They provided shelter to washerwomen all year round. This one is in Suèvres. For other entries in the City Daily Photo Theme Day, click here.
A Wash House in Suevres – Un lavoir à Suevres
We thought we had exhausted most of the sights within a 40 kilometer radius of Blois until we came across the lovely little town of Suevres not far from Cour-sur-Loire while cycling. It has several wash houses and old water mills. Nous pensions avoir tout exploré dans un rayon de 40 kilomètres de Blois mais en …
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Loire Daily Photo is Back!
Ten days without being able to post because the website got blocked when I tried to change the URL to! Even my IT-savvy son couldn”t find the solution but today when he removed the removed the new URL altogether, it started working again. The photo was taken on Saturday when we cycled from Blois …
Lavoir de Cour sur Loire
The last time we saw this washhouse built in 1875 in the middle of the hamlet of Vivier next to a fountain that supplies water to a little stream, it was pouring with rain. It was the perfect shelter for us and our bikes! La dernière fois que nous avons vu ce lavoir construit en 1875 …