Hi-Tech Healthcare – Santé haute technologie

I went to see a new radiographer today and was amazed at the hi-tech reception system that the mainly retired population seemed to be dealing with rather well. First you insert you medical card (called a carte vitale) and then you select why you are there. You get a ticket accompanied by an awful phone …

The Wedding Room – La salle des mariages

In France all marriages must be performed at the local town hall even if there is a religious wedding. Today I was asked to interpret at a ceremony where the groom didn’t speak French. This is compulsory in France if either of the parties does not speak the language. The view outside is magnificent, overlooking …

Youngest French President? – Le plus jeune président de la république ?

With only a week the go before the first round of the French presidential elections, the campaign is full-on with the Saturday market in Blois a popular venue. According to the latest poll, the four leading candidates could all qualify for the second round, with the youngest, Emmanuel Macron, at 23%, slightly ahead of Marine Le …

Kings' Cake – Galette des rois

Our friend Aliette came to the market on Saturday morning with a completely home-made and extremely delicious galette des rois. This is the cake used to celebrate the Epiphany in France, the 12th day of Christmas, January 6th, the day on which the three kings reached Bethlehem. It has become an essential part of New Year …

Postcard from Italy – The Beach

Practically every inch of an Italian beach is taken up with deck chairs and beach umbrellas that are rented out to users at various price according to the location. From time to time, you do find a public beach but it’s always small. In the photo below, you can see a public beach in the …

The Book Cabinet – L'armoire à bouquins

I had already seen similar initiatives in Germany but it’s the first time I’ve seen a “help-yourself” book cabinet in France. This one is on Place Marceau in Chartres. The cabinet, which has a glass door on both sides, is the result of a visit to Spire, Chartres’ “twin town” in Germany by one of …

Christmas Hankies – Mouchoirs de noël

I don’t know if many people still use handkerchiefs in France (or anywhere else in fact), but when they do, these Cholet handkerchiefs seen on the market in Blois just before Christmas, are considered to be the best choice.The history of the Cholet handkerchief goes back to the Vendée wars on the Atlantic coast of …