A somewhat difficult theme. This is not exactly rock ‘n roll, but about the closest I could find. The photo is taken on the banks the Loire River in Orléans. For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo theme, click here. Un thème un peu difficile. Ce n’est pas exactement du rock, mais c’est …
Category Archives: Loire River
Balloons & Boats at Chaumont – Ballons et bateaux à Chaumont
We arrived on our bikes at Chaumont just in time to see SIX hot air balloons take off! This spotted red one was the last; The boats are the typical flat-bottomed boats on the Loire called gabarres. We’re having an Indian summer! It was 25°C this afternoon. Nous sommes arrivés sur nos vélos à Chaumont …
Continue reading “Balloons & Boats at Chaumont – Ballons et bateaux à Chaumont”
Autumn Skyline – Horizon d'automne
My favourite skyline with the spires Saint Nicolas at centre left and Blois Castle just to the right and the Loire in the foreground. Mon horizon préféré avec les flèches de Saint Nicolas vers le milieu à gauche et le château de Blois juste à droite avec la Loire au premier plan.
A Touch of Gold – La Loire dorée
Fishing on the Loire – Pêche sur la Loire
Leonardo Lounging – Léonard se prélasse
I can’t believe I’ve been going to Ile d’Or in Amboise once a month for the last 5 years and have never seen this statue of Leonardo da Vinci along the Loire. I took it from a more modest angle. Leonardo spent his last years in Amboise at Clos Lucé château at the invitation of …
Sunrise over Blois – Lever du soleil sur Blois
You can just see the spire of Saint Nicolas in the distance on the left. On aperçoit à peine la flèche de l’église Saint Nicolas à gauche au loin.
Amboise in July – Amboise en juillet
It’s just my monthly photos of Amboise Castle, as photogenic as usual from Ile d’Or. C’est simplement ma photo mensuelle du château d’Amboise, toujours aussi photogénique, depuis l’Ile d’Or.
Our River – Notre fleuve
It was only today that I was able to take a photo of the Loire a little further upstream from us but before you get to Mitterand Bridge. The grass is really dry with all this hot weather we’re having! Ce n’est qu’aujourd’hui que j’ai pu prendre une photo de la Loire un peu plus …
Chaumont in Spring – Chaumont au printemps
Château de Chaumont at 7.30 pm at the end of April. Château de Chaumont à 19h30 fin avril.