City Daily Photo Theme Day – City People

This month’s theme on City Daily Photo is City People. This may not look like a city photo but it’s the main produce market in Blois held on Saturday morning. It was closed during lockdown. For other takes on the same theme, click here. (I have temporarily disabled comments due to a hacking problem). Le …

Covid Deconfinement Stage 1 #6

The local market in Blois opened again today. Most people were wearing masks and respecting social distancing. It felt safer than the jewellery shop or the supermarket. I was surprised though that the cheesemonger wore neither a mask nor gloves but her large market truck means she is naturally higher up than her customers. The …

Covid Confinement Day 32

Amazingly I have two photos today that aren’t flowers, gardens or houses. Our usual market in Blois is closed until the end of lockdown, but mini markets have been set up two days a week in different neighborhoods. This one is next to the church in Les Grouets, in the same street as us, but …

Covid Confinement Day 5 – The Market

The fresh produce market in Blois was still on today. Our organic vegetable farmer was present and had carefully organized things to respect social distancing. Two people were selling while a third looked after the till. The stalls were also spaced out. Our usual vendors were there – cheese, bread, eggs, Italian produce, coffee, fruit …

Wattle at the market – Mimosa au marché

What the French call mimosa is a type of wattle indigenous to southeastern Australia that has been widely introduced in the Mediterranean. It certainly brightens up winter. Le mimosa est peut-être le symbole de la Côte d’Azur il est originaire du sud-est d’Australie. Ses belles fleurs jaune réchauffe bien l’hiver.