Our Local Biscuits – Sablés du quartier

As we were walking through the market in Blois, a green bicycle with “Les Grouets” on it caught my eye. “Les Grouets” is the name of our neighbourhood in Blois. We soon started talking with an enterprising pastry cook who makes and sells delicious shortbread biscuits. Now we buy a packet every time we go. …

Saturday Market in Spring – Marché du samedi au printemps

I hope that one day I will also run into friends at the Saturday morning market. For the moment, we don’t know many people in Blois but the people on the market are beginning to recognise us J’espère qu’un jour je rencontrerai aussi des amis sur le marché le samedi matin. Pour le moment nous …

The Oyster Boat – La barque aux huîtres

This well-stocked boat selling oysters and mussels is on Route Nationale (D956)  just before Cosson Bridge next to a wine merchant. Open from the begininng of October to the end of April all day Friday and Saturday morning. Cette barque bien achalandée se trouve sur la route Nationale  (D 956) juste avant le pont sur …

First Saturday Market of the Year – Premier marché de samedi de l'année

Not many stalls at the first market of the year, but a bright blue sky. You can see the Robert Houdin House of Magic behind. Note the colour of the coats – black, brown beige and red! Peu de stands au premier marché de l’année, mais un beau ciel bleu. On voit la Maison de …

Three Generations on the Market – Trois générations au marché

We were delighted to discover that we could buy our favourite Italian delicacies on the market in Blois on Thursday and Saturday. The most senior of these three lovely ladies had come to buy goodies from her daughter and grand-daughter. She is the president of the Loir et Cher Franco-Italian cultural association, http://www.acfida41.com. Nous qui aimons …

Community Gardens in Amboise – Jardins ouvriers à Amboise

I usually leave photos of Amboise to Stuart on Amboise Daily Photo, but I couldn’t resist this one of the very frosty community gardens on our way from the butcher in Chaumont to the Amboise market. Normalement je laisse à Stuart de Amboise Daily Photo le soin de prendre des photos sa ville mais je …