A Basket of Boletus – Un panier de bolets orangé

I was too busy translating, unfortunately, but Jean Michel went mushroom-picking on Thursday afternoon in Chambord forest and came back with five different species of boletus mushroom. The biggest basket was full of Leccinum aurantiacum mushrooms. It is sometimes called the red-capped scaber stalk in the North America. It is considered edible but only when …

Mushrooms under the pines – Champignons sous les pins

We were surprised to look out the window yesterday evening and see these mushrooms in our little wood. The first thing we did this morning was to pick them! The result is in the basket below. They are agarics, from the same family as the button mushroom. We think there must have been two sorts, including a small …

Orange Bolete – Bolet orangé

This lovely specimen of the orange bolete (Leccinum aurantiacum) is perfectly edible. The typical tubes of boletes under the cap (as opposed to the gills of field mushrooms) can be clearly seen. These mushrooms can be found right through to December. Ce beau spécimen de bolet orangé (Leccinum aurantiacum) est parfaitement comestible. Les tubes typiques des bolets …

Orange beauties – Beautés oranges

Such beautifully coloured and delicately shaped mushrooms are not usually edible but peziza aurantia which grows in open areas because it needs lots of light to develop its spectacular orange coulour, can even be eaten uncooked! We tried it cooked with scallops on a bed of leeks tonight. The taste is not very strong, but …

The Mushroom Tree – L'arbre aux champignons

We’ve been seeing mushrooms on the market for the past month during our travels in Northern and Easter Europe but today was the first day we were able to go mushroom picking since the season began. These mushrooms aren’t edible but I think they’re very decorative. Nous avons vu des champignons sur le marché pendant notre voyage …

Hornless Forest – Forêt sans trompettes

Unfortunately we didn’t find any horn of plenty mushrooms in the forest today, but it was lovely with the sun filtering through. Malheureusement nous n’avons pas trouvé de trompettes de la mort dans la forêt cet après-midi mais c’était très plaisant avec le soleil qui filtrait à travers les arbres.

Red-capped scaber stalk – Bolet oranger

Leccinum aurantiacum has a large, characteristically red-capped  body. In North America, it is sometimes referred to by the common name red-capped scaber stalk. This edible mushroom mainly growns in aspen woods. Leccinum aurantiacum, en français le bolet orangé ou bolet roux, est reconnaissable à son chapeau orange. Ce champignon comestible pousse principalement dans les bois de trembles.

Wild Hedgehog Mushrooms – Pieds-de-mouton

Jean Michel went mushroom picking with Alain, our friend and neighbour from Les Grouets who led him straight to these wild hedgehog mushrooms. The French name pied-de-mouton means sheep’s foot but we can’t find the origin. The fine needle-like spores are bitter if not brushed off. Delicious cooked in a little olive oil and served …

Tinder Fungus – Amadouvier

We didn’t pick this mushroom but we were sorry we couldn’t. Called Fomes fomentarius (commonly known as the tinder fungus, false tinder fungus, hoof fungus, tinder conk, tinder polypore or ice man fungus) it grows on the side of various species of tree, which it infects through broken bark, causing rot. The species typically continues to …