Postcard #14 – Malbork & Warsaw (Varsovie)

Two entirely different experiences today – Malbork, the largest mediaeval castle in Europe, covering 21 hectares and home to the Teutonic Order and a statue of Marie Curie in Warsaw where we are having a one-night stop. Deux expériences totalement différentes aujourd’hui : Malbork, le plus grand château médiéval en Europe, avec une surface de …

Postcard #13 – Gdansk Crane

It was omewhat overcast today when we visited Gdansk but fortunately it didn’t rain. The crane you can see just behind the tall ship is one of the city’s icons and was also used as an entrance gate. First mentioned in 1367 the original structure burnt down in 1442 before its current design was created in 1442-1444. As a …

Postcard #10 – Trompe l’œil in Poznan

You may remember my trompe l’œil photo taken in Germany but I think this one taken on Ostrow Tumski (Cathedral Island in Poznan is a whole other dimension. It wasn’t mentioned in either of our guidebooks! Below is Poland’s first cathedral, built in 968 but destroyed and rebuilt several times. Vous vous rappelez peut-être de …

Postcard #9 – Saint Michael the Archangel – Rogalinek

We came across this early 18th century wooden church when cycling from Poznan to Rogalin today, the only interesting thing along a difficult route intended for 20-year-old mountain bikers. The Parish Church of Saint Michael the Archangel is one of the few Marian sanctuaries of the Poznań Archdiocese. The shrine is dedicated to Our Lady …

Postcard #8 – Poznan, Poland

It was a long day today – 500 k by car with quite a lot of roadworks around Berlin but we still had time to visit the main square of Poznan, Poland, Stary Rynek or Old Market Square while the light was still sufficient. The building in the centre is the town hall. It is one …