Early morning mist on the Loire between Blois and Chaumont. Brume du matin sur la Loire entre Blois et Chaumont.
Category Archives: River views
Shade of August – Ombre d'août
The photo is taken from a street in the upper part of Blois looking down towards the Loire. La photo est prise dans une rue sur les hauteurs de Blois avec la Loire en bas.
Flower Boat – Une barque de fleurs
This boat may never have sailed the Loire, but it’s makes a great planter! Certes, cette barque n’a jamais vogué sur la Loire, mais c’est une jardinière bien sympathique !
Postcard from Germany: Vertical vineyards – Vignobles verticaux
Some of the vineyards on the Moselle near Bernkastel are nearly vertical and go right down to the edge of the water. Certains vignobles en Moselle près de Bernkastel sont presque verticaux et descendent jusqu’au bord de l’eau.
Postcard from Germany: Denis Papin in Hann Münden
I’ve been looking for connections between Blois and Germany since we arrived here three weeks ago on our cycling holiday. Imagine my delight when I discovered, quite by accident, that Blois’ very own Denis Papin, the inventor, built a steam-pump powered paddlewheel boat, probably pedal-driven in 1704, and as a demonstration, used his steam paddlewheeler …
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Postcard from Germany: River View in Dresden – Vue fluviale à Dresde
Here’s the Elb again, in Dresden this time. Voici de nouveau l’Elbe, à Dresde cette fois-ci.
Postcard from Germany: Royal View of the Elbe – Vue royale de l'Elbe
This view of the Elbe was taken from Honigstein Fortress, one of the largest in Europe. Cette vue de l’Elbe est prise depuis la forteresse de Honigstein, l’une des plus grandes d’Europe.
Postcard from Germany: Sandbanks in the Rhine – Bancs de sable dans le Rhin
Like the Loire, the Rhine in Germany near Koblenz has a few sandbanks but although they narrow the navigating channel they don’t prevent vessels from passing. Tout comme la Loire, le Rhin en Allemagne près de Coblence a quelques rares bancs de sable mais bien qu’ils rendent le chenal plus étroit ils n’empêche pas le …
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On the Water at Chenonceau – Sur l'eau à Chenonceau
Chenonceau is a ladies’ castle, built in 1513 by Katherine Briçonnet, decorated by Diane de Poitiers, extended by Catherine de Médicis, saved by Louise Dupin during the French Revolution and improved by Marguerite Wilson Pelouze in the 19th century! The water looks so inviting. Chenonceau est un château de dames par excellence : construit en 1513 …
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Cycling across the water – Traversée en vélo
We have a book called (in French) Freewheeling from the Atlantic to the Black Sea with photos of the Eurovelo 6 bike route that goes from Nantes on the Atlantic Coast of France to the Black Sea. One of the bike paths really took my eye. In the photo, you could see this couple, with their bikes, …
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