As usual, the January theme for the City Daily Photo community is the photo of the year. Here are our choices, both river views – hot air balloons over traditional Loire River flat-bottom boats in front of château de Chaumont and a view of the little village of Cour-sur-Loire taken from the bike path to château Chambord. …
Category Archives: River views
Boxing Day – Le lendemain de Noël
There is no Boxing Day in France or in any European country as far as I know but after a full house for Christmas we had a day off where the only thing we did was to take a walk along the river. En Australie comme au Royaume Uni le jour après Noël est toujours …
CDP Theme Day – Gift : Cadeau
I come from tropical North Queensland in Australia and the only thing that is really missing in my life in the Loire Valley is the sun. I find the grey overcast days of winter very trying so whenever we get even the smallest ray of sunshine like that in the photo above, I consider it a …
Light on the Loire – Lumière sur la Loire
It drizzled most of the day today but around 4.30 pm, the sky cleared a little. Il a pleuvioté presque toute la journée aujourd’hui mais vers 16h30, le ciel s’est éclairci un peu.
Tranquil Loire – Loire tranquille
Autumn is coming slowly this year but we won’t complain. L’automne arrive lentement cette année mais on ne va pas de plaindre.
Blois on Sunday – Blois le dimanche
I love driving along the river in Blois on the opposite side from the cathedral and castle. This was actually last Sunday but the post got stuck in Cyperspace. J’aime bien me promener à Blois en face de la cathédrale et du château. La photo a été prise dimanche dernier mais le post s’est …
Misty Moon – Lune floutée
We went to our monthly meet-up in Amboise last night and it was dark by the time we got there. Extraordinary to be sitting outside comfortably in November! Nous sommes allés à notre rencontre mensuelle à Amboise hier soir. C’est vraiment extraordinaire de pouvoir s’asseoir dehors confortablement à cette époque!
Balloons & Boats at Chaumont – Ballons et bateaux à Chaumont
We arrived on our bikes at Chaumont just in time to see SIX hot air balloons take off! This spotted red one was the last; The boats are the typical flat-bottomed boats on the Loire called gabarres. We’re having an Indian summer! It was 25°C this afternoon. Nous sommes arrivés sur nos vélos à Chaumont …
Continue reading “Balloons & Boats at Chaumont – Ballons et bateaux à Chaumont”