As soon as I saw City Daily Photo’s theme this month, I thought of a recent photo I posted of an abandoned rail bridge just outside Blois after it was bombed by the allied forces in 1944. In the first photo, you see the part of the bridge that is still standing. Above,you can see …
Category Archives: River views
Loire Clean-Up – Nettoyage de la Loire
We were surprised as we cycled past Château de Menar to see that many large trees have been felled as part of a clean-up programme. Too many large trees along the river stop the water from flowing freely. Nous étions surpris lorsque nous sommes passés en vélo devant le château de Ménar de voir que …
Back on our Bikes – De nouveau sur nos vélos
The weather was beautiful on Saturday, sunny with a maximum of 25°C so went went on our favourite bike ride from Blois to Chambord via Saint Dyé sur Loire where one of the traditional flat-bottomed boats was reflected perfectly in the water. Il faisait un temps splendide samedi : ensoleillé avec un maxmimum de 25°C. …
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Postcard from Boston – The Rower
Boston skyline on a perfect day, taken from Cambridge along the Charles River. Boston, un jour parfait, photographié depuis Cambridge le long de la rivière Charles.
A Corner of Amboise – Un coin d'Amboise
This is my regular once-a-month photo of Amboise where the Loire Connexion, a group of like-minded Anglophiles meets at Le Shaker on Ile d’Or with this stunning view. The 28°C temperature is most unusual for the beginning of September. Voici ma photo mensuelle d’Amboise où la Loire Connexion, un groupe d’anglophiles sympathiques se retrouve au …
Rochechouard Mill – Le moulin Rochechouard
This is another watermill in Suevres. Built on the Tronne in 1393 the Rochechouard Mill belonged to the Chapter of St Martin of Tours until the Revolution when it was sold to Mr and Mrs Bourguignon-Bergevin who added an upper storey in 1817. It has two sets of millstones. Faustin Rabier, whose family has owned it since the …
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Summer Sun – Soleil d'été
This really is my favourite view of Blois. I can never resist taking another photo! C’est vraiment ma vue préférée de Blois. Je ne résiste jamais une occasion pour la prendre en photo !
Cormorant Trees – Feuilles en cormorans
We were astonished to see so many cormorants in the trees as we were cycling along the Loire this evening between Blois and Cour-sur-Loire. Nous étions étonnés de voir autant de cormorans dans les arbres ce soir lorsque nous faisions du vélo sur la Loire entre Blois et Cour-sur-Loire.
The Green Balloon – Le ballon vert
There were lots of hot air balloons in the air during the long weekend. I caught this one is just before Château de Chaumont. Il y avait beaucoup de mongolfières pendant le long week-end. J’ai pris celle-ci juste avant château de Chaumont.
The Cat and the Castle – Le chat et le château
When we arrived at our monthly Loire Connexion anglophile get-together Ile d’Or at in Amboise last night, the light was extraordinary. And just as I was about to take a photo of the castle, this cat ran past along the wall in front of me! Lorsque nous sommes arrivés à la soirée mensuelle d’angophiles de la Loire …
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