Jean Michel got very excited when he saw this white heron as he has only seen grey ones along the Loire up until now. You can see how big the sandbanks in the Loire are at the moment. Their presence is what makes the Loire unnavigable and even dangerous to swim in. Jean Michel était …
Category Archives: River views
Postcard from Germany – Gondolas on the Neckar
As soon as I saw these traditional boats on the Neckar in Tübingen I thought of gondolas. Sure enough, the tourist brochure refers to them as such. They, too, are punts. Dès que j’ai vu ces bateaux traditionnels sur le Neckar à Tübingen j’ai pensé aux gondoles. Effectivement, c’est comme cela qu’on les décrit dans …
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Postcard from Germany – Swans and Cygnet
We have reached our new destination of Rottenburg on the Neckar River and the swans were here to greet us! Nous sommes arrivés à notre nouvelle destination de Rottenburg sur le Neckar et les cygnes étaient là pour nous accueillir.
Amboise from the Levee – Amboise depuis la levée
My photos of Amboise are usually taken from Le Shaker on Ile d’Or but this one was taken from the levee coming from Vouvray. You can see the water on the footpath. Mes photos d’Amboise proviennent souvent du Shaker sur l’île d’Or mais j’ai pris celle-ci depuis la levée sur le retour de Vouvray. On …
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Montreuil Bellay
The first time I came unexpectedly upon this view of Montreuil Bellay castle on our bikes 5 years ago, I thought it was stunning. Today, I was expecting it, but I loved it just as much. Montreuil Bellay is 15 km south of Saumur on the Thouet River and 11 km from where Jean Michel …
CDP Theme Day – Shadow and Highlight
With rain most days at the moment, “Shadow and Highlight” was more than a challenge and I didn’t want to use my archives. This is looking across the Loire in Blois towards the neighbourhood known as Vienne. For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo Theme Day, click here. Avec la pluie quasiment tous …
Poppies and a Swan – Coquelicots et cygne
Yesterday in Blois, we had dramatic skies – I’m glad I missed the hail though. We didn’t have any in Les Grouëts. Hier à Blois, on a eu un ciel spectaculaire mais je suis contente que j’ai manqué les grêlons. On n’en a pas eu aux Grouëts.
The Missing Boat – Pas de gabarre
You may remember the photo below from last summer when we discovered that there was a ferry crossing for pedestrians and bikes over the Loire from Cour-sur-Loire to the bike path leading to Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire and on to Chambord. Imagine our dismay on Saturday when there was narry a boat in sight nor a sign. So …
Cathedral with a Face Lift – Cathédrale liftée
Blois Cathedral has been undergoing external renovation work for some time now so it was a treat to at last see it finished. La cathédrale de Blois était en travaux de rénovation pendant de longs mois alors c’était bien agréable de la voir aujourd’hui sans échafaudage…
A Church in Spring – Une église au printemps
Taken on the bike path between Blois and Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire, the little church of Cours-sur-Loire that you may remember from our Loire crossing last summer. There was no sign of the boat though. Prise sur la piste cyclable entre Blois et Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire, la petite église de Cours-sur-Loire que vous rappellerez peut-être de notre traversée de la …
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