Swans on the Loire – Cygnes sur la Loire

This year, we have noticed a very large number of swans on the Loire. We don’t know why so many have suddenly appeared but it would seem a good sign naturewise.. Cette année, nous avons remarqué un nombre important de signes sur la Loire. Nous ne savons pas à quoi c’est dû mais il semble …

CDP Theme Day – Ephemeral

The best light is often at the end of the day in summer, particularly over the Loire. This is my entry in the City Daily Photo Theme Day of “ephemeral”. For other entries, click here. La lumière est souvent meilleure en fin de journée en été surtout sur la Loire. Voici ma contribution au thème …

Blois Reflections – Réflexions de Blois

We thought we had put our bikes away until next spring, but today was one of those perfect autumn days – clear blue sky and 20°C so we headed for the closest bike path. The light was perfect. Nous pensions avoir rangé nos vélos jusqu’au printemps mais aujourd’hui c’était une journée parfaite d’automne : ciel …

Postcard from Austria – Fishing on the Danube

We cycled from Ybbs to Grein along the Danube today and came across a fishing competition. I counted about a hundred competitors but we didn’t see anyone bringing in any fish! Nous sommes allés de Ybss à Grein en vélo sur le Danube aujourd’hui et sommes tombés sur un concours de pêche. J’ai compté environ cent …

Postcard from Serbia – The Iron Gates

The Iron Gate gorges (Djerdap) in Serbia which are the deepest and narrowest on the Danube and the largest and longest in Europe. The church, is on the Romanian side, Les gorges appelées Portes de Fer sont les plus profondes et plus étroites sur la Danube et les plus grandes et plus longues d’Europe. L’église se …

Postcard from Belgrade – The Danube

After two years, we’ve found the Danube again, this time at Belgrade, on the Eurovelo 6 route from Saint Nazaire on the Atlantic Coast to the Dead Sea. Après deux ans, nous avons retrouvé le Danube, cette fois-ci à Belgrade sur la route de l’Eurovélo 6 entre Saint Nazaire et la Mer morte.

Postcard: Villa Giovannelli – Padua

We were astonished to see this building as we cycled along the Piovego canal from our B&B to the historical centre of Padua. We now know it is Villa Giovannelli, built on commissoin at the end of hte 17th century by an unknown architect. The enormous Corinthian columns are typical of Palladian villas. It’s inspired us …

More Boats on the Loire – Encore des bateaux sur la Loire

Yesterday, it was 30°C and today 20°C but the light late afternoon was fantastic.This photo is taken from Port de La Creusille in Blois. Hier il faisiat 30°C, aujourd’hui 20°C mais la lumière en fin d’après-midi était superbe. Cette photo est prise depuis Port de la Creusille à Blois.