Barn Repairs – Réparations de grange

One of our barns is in serious need of repairs. The roof needs retiling and unfortunately some of the beams are rotten after years covered in creeper. It’s going to be a long job. Une de nos granges est en bien mauvais état. Il faut refaire les tuiles du toit et malheureusement une partie de …

Lockdown #2 Phase 2 – Day 6 – Reconfinement Phase 2 – Jour 6

Another unusual feature in the village of Vallières les Grandes are these little peaked roofs each with its own weather vane, seen from the front gate and back gate. Un autre point d’intérêt au village de Vallières les Grandes est cet ensemble de petits toits pointus, avec chacun sa girouette, vu du portail devant et …

Pointed Roofs – Toits pointus

After a very cold and rainy Sunday with a repeat performance today, the sun suddenly came out around 4 pm so I took a long neighbourhood walk. Après un dimanche froid et très pluvieux avec la même chose aujourd’hui, le soleil est sorti soudainement vers 16 h. J’en ai profité pour faire une longue promenade …

The New Façade – La nouvelle façade

I posted the photo below about a year ago. Spot the difference! Jean Michel has just spent nearly a month redoing the façade of the barn on the right after our neighbour removed the awful lean-to on his side. Using traditional materials and not cement and concrete meant that it was time-consuming but I think …

Symmetrical Windows – Fenêtres symétriques

The almost perfectly symmetrical roofs and windows in this photo of Chambord taken by my friend Clare Petit who lives in Cheverny are the exact opposite of yesterday’s! Clare’s comment: “The photo was taken whilst out in one of the little motor-boats at Chambord in July 2013 on my trusty little Lumix. We were being followed by …

Roofs & Windows of Fougères – Toits et fenêtres de Fougères

Yesterday through the archway, you could see some of these roofs and windows but this photo shows all the different sized roofs and windows to perfection as well as weathervane and clock. Hier on apercevait quelques toits et fenêtres à travers l’arche mais ici on voit clairement toutes les différentes tailles de toits et de …

Sunset in the Trees – Coucher de soleil dans les arbres

No photo yesterday because we were without electricity from 6 pm to 5 am (in Paris!) following a storm. This photo of Château de la Vicomté is from the archives and taken in our street in Les Grouets. Pas de photo hier parce que nous étions sans électricité entre 18 heures et 5 heures (à …

Postcard from Lisbon – Rooftop Pinnacles

These pinnacles are very common in Lisbon but they look particularly effective on the terrace of the Monastery of Saint Vincent  Outside the Walls. Ces pinacles se trouvent un peu partout à Lisbonne mais ils sont particulièrement décoratifs sur la terrasse du monastère de Saint Vincent Hors les Murs.

Royal Weather Vanes on triangles – Girouettes royales sur triangles

Royal roof surmonted by magnificent ornamental weather vanes on top of the Louis XII staircase in Blois Castle which date from the early 16th century. At this height, they mustn’t get much maintenance. This post is our contribution to City Daily Photo Theme Day. To see other interpretations of the theme “triangle” from across the …