The Giant Mosquito – Le moustique géant

As we drove over the bridge in Neung-sur-Beuvron today, I couldn’t help but notice this giant mosquito, a surprising work of art considering how annoying mosquitos are in Sologne with all its lakes and ponds! It’s called Imago and is part of the two-yearly contemporary art exhibition in Sologne.The artist is Régis Poisson. En traversant le …

The Hunting Lodge – Le pavillon de chasse

It’s not a hunting lodge, of course, but it is a place to lodge hunters! There are lots of these little structures in Sologne for hunters to hide in. There were about ten in a row in this particular area that we cycled past on Châteaux à vélo itinerary.#7. Ce n’est pas un pavillon de …

A sluice gate in Sologne – Une vanne en Sologne

Sologne is full of marshland and ponds. Dykes have been added along with sluice gates to fill and empty ponds as needed. The second photo shows a dried pond. La Sologne est pleine de marais et d’étangs. On a rajouté des digues et des vannes pour remplir et vider les étangs au besoin. La deuxième …

Broom in Sologne – Genêt en Sologne

After a lot of rain and cold recently, today the weather was warm and sunny as you can see from the blue sky. We cycled in Sologne which is full of blooming broom at the moment. Après la pluie et le froid qu’on a eu récemment aujourd’hui il faisait beau et chaud comme vous pouvez voir …

Opus Spicatum

This is a typical blind wall in Sologne called opus spicatum, literally “spiked work”, consisting of bricks in a herringbone bone between and half-timbering. Unfortunately, many of the brick kilns in the area have now disappeared. Voici un mur aveugle solognot typique dit opus spicatum, c’est-à-dire, un appareil en épi et des briques en remplissage sur une maison à pans …

The Brick Tower – La tour en brique

This is a different view of the courtyard of the Lion d’or restaurant and hotel in Romorantin that you can see in my post entitled  Courtyard Lunch. It was built in the 16th century and has been a hotel since 1774. C’est une autre vue de la cour du restaurant et hôtel Le Lion d’or …