I guess the squirrels have run out of nuts. We have two couples this year wanting to share the bird feed. Je suppose que les écureuils n’ont plus de noisettes. Nous avons deux couples cette année qui veulent partager les graines des oiseaux.
Category Archives: Spring
Magnolia Season
I adore magnolias and these are truly splendid. J’adore les magnolias et ceux-ci sont splendides.
Snowdrops & Daffodils – Perce-neiges & Jonquilles
A very late happy new year for 2022! I’ve been in Boston visiting my beautiful 5-month old grandson for the last two weeks and as you can see from the second photo, the view of my son’s back garden taken just after the recent blizzard, is very different from mine. It may be colder in …
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Cranes Overhead – Grues au dessus de la tête
We actually heard them before we saw them. I was wearing my rubber gardening gloves and had trouble pulling them off in time to take a photo with my iPhone. A sure sign of spring! Nous les avons entendues avant de les voir. Je portais des gants de jardinage et je n’avais du mal à …
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This Year’s Daffodils – Les jonquilles de cette année
Every year around this time since 2014, with the exception of last year for some reason, I post a photo of the daffodils in our little wood. They are still mixed up with the snowdrops and will be with us for another three weeks or so. We can see them from the picture window in …
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Snowdrops but no snow – Perce-neige sans neige
When the ground is covered in snowdrops, you know that spring is a possibility! I’m getting ready to sow my first seeds of the year particularly since another lockdown is perhaps on the cards. Lorsque le sol est couvert de perce-neige, vous savez que le printemps est possible! Je prépare à semer mes premières graines …
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Pansies & Jonquils – Pensées et narcisses
Spring is well and truly underway. We are off to Sicily today for ten days so we’ll see what this corner of our garden looks like when we get back. See you in Sicily! Le printemps est bien avancé . Nous partons en Sicile aujourd’hui pour dix jours alors nous verrons à quoi ressemble ce …
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Magnificent Magnolia
Grape Hyacinth in the Kitchen – Muscari dans la cuisine
This is the first time I’ve grown grape hyacinths in a container to bring inside. I need to put more I think. C’est la première fois que je fais pousser des muscaris pour les rentrer à l’intérieur. Je pense qu’il faudra en mettre plus la prochaine fois.
Pink & Yellow – Rose & Jaune
The first flowering bush in our garden is the flowering quince. La première arbuste qui fleurit dans notre jardin est le cognassier du jardin.