The Judas Tree – L’arbre de Judée

I took this photo in the car through the windscreen but the amazing effect of these flowering trees whose scientific name is Cercis silliquastrum was not to be missed. There is a myth that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from a tree of this species but it could also be a corruption of the French arbre …

Windy and White – Du vent et du blanc

We had a windy, rainy weekend but it cleared up long enough for a neighbourhood walk. The temperatures will rise slowly this week and, with a bit of luck, we might soon be vaccinated. Le week-end a été venteux et pluvieux mais on a réussi quand même à faire une promenade d’une heure dans notre …

Royal Magnolia – Magnolia royale

This is a view of Blois Royal Castle that I love at any time but the magnolia makes it even more perfect. As I was driving and there wasn’t much traffic I was able to stop, wind down the window and take a photo! That’s why I love my iPhone. J’aime toujours cette vue du …

Spring Blossoms – Fleurs de printemps

We went to buy some wine at Domaine des Bessons in Mesland today and went past this stunning tree on the way. Considering it’s early March, we assume it’s a prunus of some sort. Nous sommes allés acheter du vin au Domaine des Bessons à Mesland aujourd’hui et sommes passés devant cet arbre magnifique. Comme …

The Mossy Throne – Le trône moussu

We went for a long walk today with lots of mud and moss. At least it didn’t rain although we couldn’t take one of the paths because it was completely under water. Nous avons fait une longue promenade aujourd’hui avec beaucoup de boue et de mousse. Au moins il n’a pas plu mais on n’a …

Helvella Crispa – Helvelle crépue

On Friday, we found quite a lot of these mushrooms which we had never seen before. Helvella crispa, also known as the white saddle, elfin saddle or common helvel, is found near deciduous trees in summer and autumn. It was initially believed to be edible but in fact it may contain monomethylhydrazine, which can cause …

A Different Perspective – Sous une autre perspective

As we walked towards the château, this majestic Lebanese cedar looked immense. As we got closer, the cedar got smaller and smaller until it was almost lost in the distance. Lorsque le château s’est dévoilé à l’entrée du parc, ce remarquable cèdre du Liban paraissait immense mais au fur et à mesure que nous nous …