I don’t know how long these trees will survive with this much mistletoe. Je ne sais pas si ces arbres vont résister longtemps avec autant de gui.
Category Archives: Trees
The Very Last Leaves – Les toutes dernières feuilles
When I was expecting my daughter, my three-year-old son kept asking when she would be born so I told him “when all the leaves have fallen off the trees”. Every day, he would spend time at the window watching the leaves disappear. His sister was born a little early, on 8th December, just in time! After …
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Hornbeam – Charme
While I was working today, Jean Michel was fortunately able to go walking in the woods and take photos. The leaves in the foreground are from the hornbeam which goes by the delightful name of “charme” in French. Pendant que jet travel lairs aujourd’hui Jean Michel a heureusement profité du soleil pour se promener dans …
Leonardo & Judas – Léonard & Judas
This doorway at La Bourdaisière Château, attributed to Leonard da Vinci, is shown to perfection by the beautiful flowering tree on the left, a Cercis silliquastrum, commonly known as the Judas tree because Judas is said to have used this tree commonly found in Israel to hang himself after betraying Jesus. It could also simply be …
A Good Imitation – Une belle imitation
Spot the imitations – we saw this walking up the hill behind Chaumont. Trouvez les imitations – nous avons vu cet ensemble en montant la colline derrière Chaumont.
The Giant Holly Tree – Le houx géant
This, amazingly, is another holly tree. I couldn’t believe how big it is. C’est étonnant mais cet arbre est encore un houx. Je n’arrivais pas à croire à sa taille.
Giant Holly – Houx géant
This amazing holly bush (see photo below) is in Molineuf next to a B&B called Moulin des Charmes – and charming it is! Ce merveilleux houx (voir photo ci-dessous) se trouve à Molineuf à côté d’une chambre d’hôte qui s’appelle le Moulin des Charmes qui correspond bien à son nom.
The Weeping Willow – Le saule pleureur
I love the tender green of this weeping willow on the edge of the Loire near Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire. J’adore le vert tendre de ce saule pleureur au bord de la Loire près de Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire
The Big Cedar – Le grand cèdre
I took this photo on Sunday when we went to vote for the regional elections at the (now closed) school down the road. What a beautiful tree! J’ai pris cette photo dimanche lorsque nous sommes allés voter pour les conseillers régionaux à l’école (malheureusement fermée) dans notre rue. Quel bel arbre !
Pliant Bamboo – Bambou pliant
We cut our bamboo recently and were surprised and a little worried to see it almost at a 70° angle. A couple of hours later, I saw it was upright again and assumed Jean Michel had tied it back. But he hadn’t. Next day, I saw it bend over again and straighten up very elegantly in …