The Very Last Leaves – Les toutes dernières feuilles

When I was expecting my daughter, my three-year-old son kept asking when she would be born so I told him “when all the leaves have fallen off the trees”. Every day, he would spend time at the window watching the leaves disappear. His sister was born a little early, on 8th December, just in time! After …

Hornbeam – Charme

While I was working today, Jean Michel was fortunately able to go walking in the woods and take photos. The leaves in the foreground are from the hornbeam which goes by the delightful name of “charme” in French. Pendant que jet travel lairs aujourd’hui Jean Michel a heureusement profité du soleil pour se promener dans …

Leonardo & Judas – Léonard & Judas

This doorway at La Bourdaisière Château, attributed to Leonard da Vinci, is shown to perfection by the beautiful flowering tree on the left, a Cercis silliquastrum, commonly known as the Judas tree because Judas is said to have used this tree commonly found in Israel to hang himself after betraying Jesus. It could also simply be …