The Key to Heaven – La clé du paradis

I have already published a photo of Saint Pierre in Montlivaut. Today, while cycling, we were able to borrow the key from the grocery store opposite to visit the inside. During the internal restoration, 15th century wall paintings were discovered. One panel depicts the Trinity while the other shows Saint Denis’ last mass. J’ai déjà …

The Fish Platter – Le plat à poisson

You like it or you don’t! This platter with its eels and other fish, manufactured by an anonymous artist in the 19th century, is in the same style as Thomas Sergent’s majolica platters. Château de Blois Collection. On aime ou on n’aime pas ! Ce plat à décor d’anguille, d’un artiste anonyme du 19ème est …

Teeth on Timber – Dentition sur colombage

A few remarkable half-timbered houses have fortunately survived fire and war. This very toothy and voracious sculpture is to be found on Hôtel de Villebresme next to the Acrobats’ House in Blois. Quelques maisons à colombage remarquables ont heureusement survécu aux incendies et aux guerres. Cette sculpture toute en dentition et voracité se trouve sur …

Gabarre de Loire à Saumur

A solar panel hardly seems appropriate on this beautiful traditional flat-bottomed boat on the confluence of the Thouet and the Loire. Photo taken from the Loire à vélo cycle path. Le panneau solaire ne permet pas de s’y croire mais belle gabarre traditionnelle située sur la confluence du Thouet et de la Loire. Photo prise depuis …

Clematis armandii

This stunning Clematis armandii is on the wall of the courtyard of Le Balcon Bleu, the B&B we stayed in recently in Turquant no the Loire near Montsoreau. Not only does it flower lavishly, it also has persistent leaves. For a close-up of the flowers which are very similar to jasmine, click on Amboise Daily …

Caquetoire in Fontevraud-l'Abbaye

You may remember another caquetoire in Cheverny. The parish church of Saint Michel in Fontevraud-l’Abbaye was built in the 12th century for the large contingent of labourers employed to build the nearby abbey and was financed by Henri II Plantagenet and Alienor d’Aquitaine. It was extended in the 15th and 17th centuries. Vous vous souvenez peut-être …

Post Mill – Moulin cavier

Numerous windmills of this type existed on the top of the hills overlooking the Loire between Candes Saint Martin and Saumur. The restored hucherolle seen here is in Turquant. The millstones were in cellars hollowed out in the tufa stone below. De nombreux moulins de ce type existaient sur les hauteurs des coteaux entre Candes …

The Sitting Bull's Eye – L'oeil de boeuf assis

I was intrigued to see this bull’s eye outside the Vendôme town hall which used to the the Lycée Ronsard. All I can imagine is that it was possible to monitor the comings and goings of the school boys sitting down. J’étais intriguée de voir cet oeil de boeuf très bas à l’extérieur de l’hôtel …