Saint Laurent's Wall – Le mur de saint Laurent

I’m not exactly sure what this wall in Saint Laurent Nouan represents but it appears to have the arms of different towns called Saint Laurent. Je ne suis pas sūre à quoi correspond ce mur à Saint Laurent Nouan mais il semble porter les écussons de différentes villes qui s’appellent Saint Laurent.

Saint Martin and the Sword – Saint Martin et l'épée

You may remember the photo of the little church of Saint Martin de Crouy that I published recently. We took the same cycle itinerary again the other day and I recognised it immediately. This time, I took a close-up of the sculptured group on the façade depicting Saint Martin cutting his cloak in two to give to …

Doomed mullions – Des meneaux condamnés

Mullion windows (the ones at the top divided into four by a stone cross) appeared well before the 10th century and are typically seen in Renaissance buildings. I’ve just discovered that many French property owners destroyed their mullion windows after a new door and window tax was instigated in 1798 which was based on the number of …

The Little Town Hall – La Petite mairie

To tell you the truth, I can’t remember where this was taken, but it was in a little village on a bike route. I think it must be the perfect place to work! A vrai dire, je ne me rappelle pas où j’ai pris cette photo ; c’était dans un petit village sur un itinéraire de …

… open the doors and here's all the people

Well, not exactly all the people, but we did see a number of murals. When it was built in the late 11th century, the Church of Saint Martin de Crouy originally included a nave, a narrow chancel and an apse which was made into a sacristy n the 17th century. During the 16th century, the chapel was elevated …

Here's the church and here's the steeple – Clocher d'église fait battre le coeur

We came across this little church with its tall steeple as we were cycling from Muides to Chambord. Many churches in the area are dedicated to Saint Martin, who was born in about 316 and died in 397. The Saint Martin de Crouy church was built in the late 11th century. Above the door you can see a …

Lavoir de Cour sur Loire

The last time we saw this washhouse built in 1875 in the middle of the hamlet of Vivier next to a fountain that supplies water to a little stream, it was pouring with rain. It was the perfect shelter for us and our bikes! La dernière fois que nous avons vu ce lavoir construit en 1875 …

Mini-vineyard – Mini vignoble

How’s this for a mini-vineyard, with its traditional rose bushes at the top of each row of vines?  We found it on the bike path at Cour sur Loire between Blois and Mer. Que pensez-vous de ce mini vignoble avec ses rosiers traditionnel en tête de rang ? Nous l’avons trouvé sur le circuit vélo …