A Country Church – Une église de campagne

This was the view when we picnicked on our cycle route this evening. The 12th century church of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur (Saint James the Greater) in the little village of Seillac in the Cisse Valley has bell-wall (rather than a bell-tower) which is unusual for this region. Voici notre vue lorsqu’on a pique-niqué ce soir sur notre …

Princesse Bibesco

While we were walking in Ménars on Sunday, I saw a street sign that said “Princess Bibesco”. It led to a cemetary  with a large mausoleum and I discovered more about this intriguing princess whose photo you can see below. The daughter of the Prince of Chimay and Emilie Pellapra, Valentine was born in Ménars in 1839. Married at …

A Boat and a Bough – Une barque et une branche

Just look at that sun and blue sky! It was 22°C today and we were back on our bikes for the first time this year. This was taken during our tea break opposite Cour-sur-Loire. Regardez ce soleil et ce ciel bleu ! Il faisait 22°C aujourd’hui et nous avons chevauché nos vélos pour la première fois …

Castel Macé – Le Castel de Macé

This original piece of architecture in the village of Macé has an interesting history. Pierre Hague bought the property in 1874 and made significant alterations. He added a belvedere formed by a dome made from 4 curvel panels, topped by a skylight surrounded by a circular balcony and covered with a copper roof in the shape …

The Castle Dovecote – Le colombier du château

This magnificent dovecote was once part of the castle in Saint-Denis-sur-Loire. Unfortunately it is gradually disintegrating and it doesn’t seem that there is a project underway to save it. Ce magnifique colombier faisait partie du château de Saint-Denis-sur-Loire. Malheureusement il est en train de s’écrouler et il ne semble pas de projet pour le sauver.

A Holy Place – Une place sacrée

No, the sun did not shine today and the sky was not blue but I couldn’t bare taking  another grey photo so I used this one that I took last week when we were having our thermos of tea and biscuits in La Chaussée Saint Victor looking at the spire of the church of the same …

The Zouave – Le zouave

Around 1870, Baron de Graëb had a wooden Bedouin made to commemorate the visit of Abd-el-Kader, a prison-of-war on his way to Amboise. The Baron had the sculpture put up on the roof of an old windmill he owned just outside the village of La Chaussée-Saint-Victor, on the road to Paris, so that visitors from the capital would recognise the turn-off …

Roofs & Chimneys – Toits et cheminées

Today, we went walking at La Chaussée Saint Victor, a town to the north-east of Blois. We really like these roofs seen from above. The following photo shows the front of the manor house which belongs to the municipality. However, I was not able to find out any more about it. Aujourd’hui on s’est promenés à …