Lockdown #2 Phase 2 – Day 6 – Reconfinement Phase 2 – Jour 6

Another unusual feature in the village of Vallières les Grandes are these little peaked roofs each with its own weather vane, seen from the front gate and back gate. Un autre point d’intérêt au village de Vallières les Grandes est cet ensemble de petits toits pointus, avec chacun sa girouette, vu du portail devant et …

Covid Confinement Day 14

Today was cold with a strong northerly wind. We went for our walk but it was not very pleasant. The total number of deaths in Loir et Cher is now 4. Aujourd’hui il faisait froid avec un vent du nord. Nous avons fait notre promenade mais ce n’était pas très agréable. Le nombre total de …

Fiber's Coming – La fibre arrive

I’m very pleased to announce that we will soon have a fiber connection for our Internet and will be able to remove the television antenna which I feel somewhat mars the beauty of our house and weathervane. Not that we have a TV. Je suis très contente d’annoncer que nous aurons bientôt la connexion fibre …