Hornbeam – Charme

While I was working today, Jean Michel was fortunately able to go walking in the woods and take photos. The leaves in the foreground are from the hornbeam which goes by the delightful name of “charme” in French. Pendant que jet travel lairs aujourd’hui Jean Michel a heureusement profité du soleil pour se promener dans …

Mystery Berry – Baie mystérieuse

We’re not really sure what these are but there were lots of them among the oak leaves on the forest floor when we went mushroom picking today. They are about one centimetre in diameter. Nous ne savons pas vraiment à quoi correspondent ces petites billes mais il y en avait beaucoup parmi les feuilles de …

The Firewood Delivery – La livraison de bois de chauffe

Winter, unfortunately, is not over so we needed to top up our wood pile. Wood in France is sold by the stère which is a cubic metre of wood usually cut to 50 cm lengths. The wood here is mostly oak with some hornbeam and ash. The measuring unit for firewood in France is the stère, …