Our holly – Notre houx

When I was a child growing up in tropical North Queensland in Australia, we used to buy small branches of holly in David Jones department store at Christmas. I never imagined that one day I’d have my own bush! J’ai grandi dans le climat tropical du nord du Queensland en Australie. A noël nous achetions …

Firewood – Bois de chauffage

Living next to several very large forests means that we can buy our firewood directly from the sawmill. However, it means sorting and loading it ourselves. In France, firewood is sold by the stère which is equal to one cubic metre. Our trailer can take 2.4 stères. In most of the United States, the standard measure …

A lake in Sologne – Un lac en Sologne

Sologne is a vast area of about 5,000 square kilometers that starts slightly south east of Blois and is bound on the north by the Loire River and on the south by one of its affluents, the Cher. It includes château de Chambord and is known for its many lakes, ponds, marshes and forests. Its …

Open Parasol Mushroom – Coulemelle ouverte

Yesterday, we had young parasol mushrooms that were still closed. This one is wide open on its long stem. Absolutely edible and very tasty. You remove the fibrous stems and fry the whole caps in a little olive oil. Et voilà! Hier on avait des coulemelles jeunes et encore fermées. En voilà une qui est ouverte …