Bécassine is a French comic strip and the name of its heroine, appearing for the first time in the first issue of La Semaine de Suzette on February 2, 1905. She is considered one of the first female protagonists in the history of French comics. I was very amused to see this village devoted entirely to Bécassine.
Château de Montrésor
We visited Montrésor many years ago in winter and found it dark and gloomy and hardly worth the visit except for its beautiful staircase. We returned by bike on a lovely sunny day and what a surprise! And I’ll let you guess who’s in the painting.
Nous avons visité le château de Montrésor en hiver il y a quelques années. On l’a trouvé sombre et sans grand interêt en dehors de son bel escalier. Nous sommes retournés en vélo un jour ensoleillé et quelle belle surprise ! Et puis je vous laisse deviner les personnages du tableau.
Montrésor Village
City Daily Photo Theme Day – Red
This exhibit in the Chaumont garden festival by Yu Kongjian is called Square and Round. The second photo was taken in my own garden. For other takes on the same theme by photographers across the globe click here.
Cycling towards Chambord – Arrivée sur Chambord en vélo
The Green Bike – Le vélo vert
After clocking up nearly 7000 k in 2 years my beloved black Kalkhoff power bike suddenly stopped working. While waiting for a new motor I’ve rented a pale substitute at great expense!
Après presque 7000 km en 2 ans, mon vélo à assistance électrique Kalkhoff est tombé subitement en panne. En attendant l’arrivée d’un nouveau moteur j’ai loué à grands frais un pâle substitut!
Château de Chaumont
Château Gaillard, Amboise