On the Ile of Gold – Sur l’île d’Or

The weather was just perfect today for a meetup and mini-celebration to collect our foie gras from friends and celebrate two events with vouvray and financiers: a birthday and French citizenship. The photo was taken from the island in the middle of the Loire opposite Amboise. Il faisait un temps splendide sur l’île d’Or à …

Amboise on a Spring Evening – Amboise une soirée de printemps

It was just after 8 pm when I took this photo of Amboise Castle on our way to the monthly meeting of Loire ConneXion* at Le Shaker on Ile d’Or. As beautiful as ever. Il était juste après 20 heures lorsque j’ai pris cette photo du château d’Amboise lorsqu’on se rendait à la réunion mensuelle …

Rooftops of Amboise – Toits d'Amboise

Most of the photos I take of Amboise are from l’ïle d’Or looking across at the castle. This one is taken from the other side of the Loire and shows the castle from the back. In the foreground you can see a troglodyte house. Presque toutes mes photos d’Amboise sont prises depuis l’Ile d’Or en …

A Corner of Amboise – Un coin d'Amboise

This is my regular once-a-month photo of Amboise where the Loire Connexion, a group of like-minded Anglophiles meets at Le Shaker on Ile d’Or with this stunning view. The 28°C temperature is most unusual for the beginning of September. Voici ma photo mensuelle d’Amboise où la Loire Connexion, un groupe d’anglophiles sympathiques se retrouve au …

The Cat and the Castle – Le chat et le château

When we arrived at our monthly Loire Connexion anglophile get-together Ile d’Or at in Amboise last night, the light was extraordinary. And just as I was about to take a photo of the castle, this cat ran past along the wall in front of me! Lorsque nous sommes arrivés à la soirée mensuelle d’angophiles de la Loire …

Amboise from the Levee – Amboise depuis la levée

My photos of Amboise are usually taken from Le Shaker on Ile d’Or but this one was taken from the levee coming from Vouvray. You can see the water on the footpath. Mes photos d’Amboise proviennent souvent du Shaker sur l’île d’Or mais j’ai pris celle-ci depuis la levée sur le retour de Vouvray. On …

Amboise at Dusk – Amboise au crépuscule

This photo was taken from under the bridge that links Ile d’Or island to Amboise when we arrived at Le Shaker yesterday for our monthly Loire Connexion meet-up with other Anglophones and Anglophiles. Cette photo est prise à côté du pont qui relie l’Ile d’Or à Amboise lors notre arrivé hier au Shaker pour la …